Tuesday, 16 May 2017

Is it worth studying Node itself, or Express?

Node has always been a bit of a puzzle for me as I've equated Express to be a lighter weight/less opinionated analogue of Rails or Django for back end Javascript. I'm in the first chapter of "Express Blueprints" and gaining clarity on how the server side works, it even has a chapter on Koa towards the end.I'm just curious if I should also pick up some learning materials on Node itself (I see there are a lot of them, more than Express actually). And if so, what benefit does studying Node itself yield?EDIT: Besides web apps I also plan on making scrapers and bots that run on the server side, which is another reason why I'm wondering about Node on its own and whether its a more suitable foundation for these types of things.

Submitted May 16, 2017 at 11:00AM by seands

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