Wednesday, 17 May 2017

ettiquette for npm package ownership & forks

If there's a package with the right name, no commits in three years, more than a dozen issues & outstanding PRs.. should I publish a fork or merely be a contributor?My commits thus far have added significant features far beyond what the original code base intended. I don't think any part of the owner's code base remains unchanged aside from a few dependencies (which have changed to ES6 syntax anyway).At first I made a PR against the repo which resolved all the outstanding issues and included all the PRs which seemed appropriate. In the PR comment I suggested that the owner add me as a collaborator or consider changing ownership.He said he "was open to transferring ownership", so then I pushed a bunch of additional commits adding additional features. A few days later he added me as a collaborator.I guess the pointy end of my question is how important package ownership actually is, if at all ?To explain, I'm an amateur, but it's conceivable that at some point in the future I might want my github profile to look attractive to some prospective employer. Do people reviewing my stuff care or notice whether I'm contributing to packages I own?In addition... it's shallow & pretentious of me, but it's nice to publish packages and see how many downloads they're getting on npm, or stars they're getting on github. I think it will always bother me that these stars or downloads won't appear under my account.Obviously, if I was working with others on a package then it wouldn't matter at all that the package is owned by some organisation or whatever. But in this case it kind of feels like I'm investing a lot of time and effort in something only to benefit someone else's reputation who, at this point, is pretty much just camping on the namespace.So yeah, thoughts / guidance very much appreciated.

Submitted May 17, 2017 at 10:50AM by with_his_what_not

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