Thursday, 13 April 2017

Communicating with other languages to use Node.js as a plugin system.

I'm using Go to write a forum software. I've been experimenting with a few different ways to implement a plugin system in a language that would be more familiar to potential contributors I figure JavaScript would be a good idea here to cut down on the number of different languages a contributor would have to know (Go, JavaScript, CSS, HTML right now). Does Node.js have a way to communicate with other programs via RPC calls or stdin/out to act as a pre-built plugin system? There is a V8 package, but V8 is huge and a pain to build every time, and I don't want to going through the trouble if it turns out to not work. Ideally, a plugin system would be able to have my server send Go functions (not results of a function call) to JavaScript and vice versa. Is this possible or would it be a waste of time?

Submitted April 13, 2017 at 07:29PM by eggbertx

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