Wednesday, 29 March 2017

Is NodeJS even right for me?

First I'd like to says thanks to the NodeJS community! Last topic/question I had some awesome responses. I'm for sure going to be using NodeJS regardless, it seems super powerful. However I have an upcoming project (starting beginning of Summer). I was wanting to make sure if NodeJS is even right for me.My plan is to use a simple stack: NodeJS, ExpressJS, MySQL, and Nginx.The project? A community driven website that has a "social network" feel (posts, applets, profiles, etc). My primary focus is speed and reliability. In addition to speed I'm trying to save as much on server costs as possible because the project isn't going to be a commercial product. The website will have a lot of interactive bits, live updating stats, pulling stats from APIs and hopefully setting up a cache system for optimal performance.I have experience in: Python, PHP, JavaScript, HTML/CSSI have experience with: Django and Laravel (very little)I've used Django, but there is a lot I don't like and some I do. I love their database migration system, which is one reason that's making me rethink and just use Django. However I always feel like I have to work around Django and I want something with low overhead.If you have any opinions and/or input that would help me out tremendously. Regardless if this isn't the system for this project, NodeJS looks really promising.

Submitted March 29, 2017 at 04:40AM by Miles360x

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