Friday, 16 December 2016

How you guys deal with "milion terminals problem"?

Hello!I've a question about managing usual node.js or frontend workflow - specifically about boostrapping whole development environment before you start to work.I am working on medium-size project that consist of three application servers written in node.js and 2 frontend applications. Basically the problem is that just before I start any work, I must launch 5 terminals with three nodemons and two webpacks running. Sometimes I also integrate with a legacy php server, that I am launching using php -s as well, and I also launch various tools like npm install or mocha test suites. So just before I put a single character in source, I must launch like 7-9 terminal tabs and launch various processes.Question is - how to deal properly with this thing? Is there any tool that allow me to specify a config file or something and then launch all my commands just in one window, allowing to examine console, restart processes or so? Or should I searcch an IDE inbuilt solution (I am using VSCode)? Or perhaps I just should stick with opening these terminals everytime I want to start work?I was looking for a tool like that, couldnt find any. If nobody yet have written a solution for this, I came to conclusion that there is easier way to bootstrap workspace, something obvious that I am missing?Because I am so tired with running those commands over and over and over, especially when I have to switch between few different project during single day.

Submitted December 16, 2016 at 11:35AM by Bloompire

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