Sunday, 1 May 2016

jsx code coverage with webpack

I have a project that I'm switching the UI from angular to react. I have a nice build system setup with istanbul/gulp/protractor that gives me combined code coverage for the backend and the front end. I'm looking to re-create the same thing using webpack. I'd like to start the webpack actions from within gulp.I have the basic bundling and html injection working fine. (Bundle is created and the appropriate link is injected into my index.html). I've found a bunch of sample karma.conf files, but I'm having a hard time grokking what they're doing. (I'm sure I can cut and paste and get something working, but I really kinda hate doing that)Any pointers? how do the pieces fit together? I'd like to have an lcov file generated that I can combine with the other (non browser based) tests.Doesn't look like adding sauce labs support would be that hard once I get the overall build running.

Submitted May 02, 2016 at 03:44AM by skarfacegc

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