Friday, 11 March 2016

Server sided help

Hello everyone. My name is Tim, I am 14 years old. I have been web devoloping for quite some time now and I would say that I am pretty good at HTML, CSS and Js. Currently I'm trying server sided stuff, which I don't find too hard. The only part I am very bad at is communicating between the server and the client. I am using Node.js with express and I am quite new to it but understand it, but I wouldn't mind switching to another language like PhP if that's what it takes.I'm currently busy with a website that makes users able to upload a link that makes them join a CS:GO lobby. Basically that means people paste a link and a description, press create and a div will appear with peoples lobby links, which makes them able to join their games. I want those divs to disappear after 15 minutes. The problem I am having is how to save those divs so they will appear even when you reload the page, and remove them after 15 minutes.I am currently available so if someone could assist me via Skype/Teamspeak that would be great. All comments are helpfull, I can post some code and the parts which I think specifically are wrong.

Submitted March 11, 2016 at 08:18PM by timgfx

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