Thursday, 11 February 2016

Node.js PHP share session using Redis

Hi, im pretty new to node.js. I tried to share my php session with node.js using redis. Everything works fine but only in google chrome (on mozilla or opera it doesn't work). I'm using this code:'ve been trying to do like everything with this code but it works only in chrome. I can't find on the internet why express needs a lot of modifications to session name. Can someone tell me? mozilla session key on redis: 2) "session:php:g8tl4mufjqgi0pk85su00gqv17" chrome: 1) "session:php:jEhF5RDI1EUPa-1ACbIAGEx2kIjcf7ea" Thanks :) (sorry for my English)

Submitted February 11, 2016 at 10:27PM by Gurlox

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