Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Cross-browser storage for all use cases • Used across the web • See below for v2.0 news!


Submitted March 01, 2017 at 05:20AM by ratancs

A javascript deep learning and reinforcement learning library.


Submitted March 01, 2017 at 05:26AM by ratancs

Serving websites over bittorrent


Submitted March 01, 2017 at 05:31AM by ratancs

Node.js top 10 of the month


Submitted March 01, 2017 at 05:45AM by itsawesomeday

Node.js 7.7.0 (Current)


Submitted March 01, 2017 at 03:38AM by italoacasas

[Question] How to combine Node and Frontend

Hello Guys, first of all i'm sorry if this question is stupid or posted in the wrong subreddit.I'm have some experience in front-end development but i'm new to backend. I learned some basics about Node, Express and MongoDB and now want to create a website.As far as I understand there are two general ways of doing it(?):1) Handel pretty much all stuff on the server side, e.g. pass variables to ejs files and serve them on the different routes.2) Host a 'static' frontend-website which then calls my routes with ajax and builds up my page with the response Data (with jQuery or similar)In which case should i use them? Should they be combined?The main purpose is to show products(basic attributes like name, image, description). The user then should be able to comment and rate theese products. A avarage rating should be calculated, the product should be sortable and different filtern should be applied etc.Thanks for you help:)

Submitted March 01, 2017 at 01:04AM by suizide96

Simple Production Error Handling For Express Servers


Submitted February 28, 2017 at 11:13PM by marclittlemore

Node and Express querystring woes.

Hey. I'm having an issue pulling the querystring parameters in my route.js from a http post when using a pasted url in the browser. It works perfectly when I perform the post through postman. It is as if when using the browser the get somehow strips out the querystring parameters even though I am still able to see them in the url bar.I'm using ExpressJS 4 and the ejs rendering engine.The ejs view is as follows:


,and this is the relevant route code: app.post('/verify-email', function(req, res, next){ var foo = req.query.verif; console.log(foo); res.render('suprema'); }); app.get('/verify-email', function(req, res){ var foo = req.query; console.log(foo); res.render('verifyemail', { message: req.flash('loginMessage') }); }); I'm not just looking for an answer but want to know why this happens...

Submitted February 28, 2017 at 09:03PM by che90210

Programmers are confessing their coding sins to protest a broken job interview process


Submitted February 28, 2017 at 09:22PM by ratancs

constraints when building a service on top of twitter

Hi there, I have failed to find an answer with google and twitter docs. If I as an application owner download other users' personal tweets user their credentials for use in their accounts in my application, is there any hard limit on for how many tweets/twitter accounts the application owner can download per day? or is the only limit on the number of tweets each account can receive? thanks.Background: I've been building a service on top of twitter which organises a user's tweets. The user logs in with their twitter auth, and then <2000 tweets are downloaded and organised.

Submitted February 28, 2017 at 03:25PM by basiclaser

Digital Transformation with the Node.js Stack


Submitted February 28, 2017 at 02:24PM by hfeeri

Build a Slack Command using Serverless Framework, NodeJs and AWS


Submitted February 28, 2017 at 01:47PM by mavi888

What's up with PM2.X?


Submitted February 28, 2017 at 01:48PM by tknew

Use this SDK in Node.js to generate multiple free publicly trusted SSL certs for your IOT development


Submitted February 28, 2017 at 12:22PM by beame_io

Node.js - Quality with Speed


Submitted February 28, 2017 at 11:24AM by dobkin-1970

Monday, 27 February 2017

Is there a better way to do this?

I am grabbing data(products) from store owner's Shopify accounts.I would like to categorize each product for users to search, but the issue I'm having is I would need to require each owner to do that manually with a pre-set determined categories. Like gender, category type(shoes, clothing etc), product type(tops, dresses, etc) and also need to choose the actual category like types of tops or dresses, then after that is chosen, it will filter products by the type of top selected. I find this way very tedius and annoying especially if a store owner has over 10+ products which many will have over 100.Are there any solutions to my problem that I can't see?The only data I have from shopify is i can grab product_type for each product. like so: http://ift.tt/2ex1XTD

Submitted February 28, 2017 at 12:56AM by farhansyed7911

Considering packaging Passport identity implementation

Hi /r/node,I've written a basic Express, Postgres/Knex, Passport, Bootstrap application with Nunjucks templating that does local user authentication.I was wondering if this is something you looked for and would have used in past or current projects, and if so, is this something you would pay a small amount for?Would you be more inclined to pay for it if it included the Oauth2 implementations for Facebook, Google, etc.?Thanks in advance for any feedback!

Submitted February 28, 2017 at 01:26AM by RaleighSea

Why is 'async' required for functions that use 'await'?

I am working on a new project that uses Node 7.6.0 (with the new await/async) and node-mssql which is a Promise-based library.Several of the node-mssql methods return a Promise, so I can now use 'await' to have my code effectively pause & wait for the Promise to resolve (or fail) before moving on to execute the next line (or catch block).I like everything about this arrangement, except for the part where I have to declare my functions with "async" in order to be able to use the "await" keyword inside of it.I find myself writing code wrapped in an anonymous function, just to declare "async" so that I can use "await":(async function(){ await MyLibrary.SomePromiseMethod(); })(); My question is, why is the "async" keyword required? Is there a technical necessity to it? I'm trying to understand why "await" isn't enabled & available by default.

Submitted February 27, 2017 at 07:06PM by ninjaroach

Hot Module Replacement for your Express backend routes + React on the server and client with Webpack 2.


Submitted February 27, 2017 at 04:19PM by cutcopy

Self-driving cars in the browser


Submitted February 27, 2017 at 02:07PM by ratancs

Tool to summarise all code annotation like TODO or FIXME


Submitted February 27, 2017 at 12:55PM by ratancs

Open-source productivity booster with a brain


Submitted February 27, 2017 at 12:56PM by ratancs

Node.js primer for people looking to learn Node.

I wrote a little piece about my experience so far with Node.js and felt it might be beneficial to people starting out with getting familiar with Node.The post is here http://ift.tt/2lXp3GH Please feel free to read, review and share.

Submitted February 27, 2017 at 12:03PM by iifeoluwa

The great journey of little NodeJS

Once there was a little program called NodeJS. His Parents, PHP and JavaScript, didn't like him because he was complicated and ugly so they sold him to the company creating all evil in the world: Typo3 Corp. Little did he know when he was raised to do all kind of harm to untrained internet users, that were trying to develop their own homepages to share videos of their cats with people that actually didn't give a single shit.Unaware of the broken souls his behavior caused he tried to get implemented in as many websites as he possibly could, but nobody wanted to deal with NodeJS, because Ajax (his brother) was much better and easier to use. NodeJS felt very alone and didn't know what to do with his life. He tried to upgrade his style with various special functions, but nobody gave a shit about the little NodeJS.Months went by and NodeJS still felt alone, he even felt cold because winter was coming. To keep himself warm, he put on as much clothing as he could find. He also found some special socks called websockets his mother gave to him when he was born. They were always too big for his size but when time went by, NodeJS grew bigger and bigger. Now the socks turn out to fit him very well and he was very happy.Suddenly his phone begins to ring. NodeJS didn't receive any calls or messages for months so he was quite surprised that someone wanted to talked to him. The person calling turned out to be a webdeveloper named Jeff trying to develop a little chat program to talk to his friends. Jeff also said, that he couldn't do it with JavaScript and he needed the help of NodeJS and his websockets. Happy to be able to help NodeJS set up a chat server for Jeff and his friends. Because Jeff wanted to give something back to NodeJS, he told everybody he knew that NodeJS was better than that gay old JavaScript and just like this, little NodeJS became famous. God bless you NodeJS.

Submitted February 27, 2017 at 10:44AM by TheUnrevealedHacker

Sunday, 26 February 2017

Framework Ideas for developer looking for idea: a NodeJs framework for creating E-commerce backend REST api using the standard ExpressJs and MongoDb

I would appreciate it if someone would build this.A framework that can allow developers to create something like MarketCloud themselves, using Node, Express and MongoAny pros interested in creating an open source framework like this ? =]Or is things like this too difficult ?

Submitted February 27, 2017 at 04:45AM by jacobgoh101

fuser - simply and efficiently fuse dictionary objects


Submitted February 27, 2017 at 01:09AM by Etha_n

New to node, Can node be used to fetch json from a website ?

i.e: Fetch JSON from facebook, Twitter, etc...

Submitted February 26, 2017 at 05:40PM by sohaeb

Build modern & scalable Node.js web applications with Nest


Submitted February 26, 2017 at 12:11PM by mysliwik

Saturday, 25 February 2017

500k downloads this month and depended upon by google-auth-library...


Submitted February 26, 2017 at 02:16AM by equallyunequal

problems with page redirection

Hey guys,so i'm having an issue redirecting to a page after a successful login. All the authentication takes place within an app.post therefore I seem to be unable to use res.redirect. The server is running on express JS and I'm just absolutely stumped on what to do.

Submitted February 26, 2017 at 12:12AM by Baffled_Keyboard

Caporal: make beautiful CLI apps with node.js


Submitted February 25, 2017 at 11:41PM by mattallty

Best way to have custom downloads?

I was wondering what the best method would be to allow custom downloads? Similar to how you can configure the settings for Bootstrap and then download your custom copy.I would only have 1 file that is being built from a users input and the rest will just be predefined.I figured I could use archiver to create the custom zip file, but I'm not sure how to go about the custom file generation. The file would always have the same format, but just some portions would be added or omitted based on user input.I figured reading in a base file and editing it based on the users input might be a viable option, but I'm not sure if that's the best way to go about it.I'd love any suggestions or advice

Submitted February 25, 2017 at 11:16PM by rfizzy

Attempt at creating an MVC style starter template with angular 2 components - looking for critiques/suggestions.

Hi All,Looking for critiques/suggestions on the MVC/Angular2/EJS starter template I created: http://ift.tt/2lHHRHI from a corporate background there is alot of hesitation in using node.js due to node having a more fluid design than the other major corporate web application (ASP.NET). This is my attempt to add some rigidity by forcing an MVC pattern, and creating a more organized folder structure.Please let me know what you think - highlights: -MVC structure -EJS for templates and partials similar to ASP.NET creating a more uniform page -Bootstrap -Angular 2 components which are located in the components folder, auto compilation on NPM startuse npm install then npm start to run the application. Running the application isn't much help as there is only one page with an example angular 2 component; just looking on suggestions of structure and layout.Thanks! Dan

Submitted February 25, 2017 at 11:18PM by wcom939

Refactoring express routes leveraging middlewares


Submitted February 25, 2017 at 06:56PM by strangeworks

npm install koa // -> 2.0.1

koa@master is now v2 Promise based, thus async-await ready. Happy developing!Note that it now depends on node v7.6+. Official support for < 7.6 is dropped.

Submitted February 25, 2017 at 05:19PM by fl0w_io

How many servers/how powerful of a server do I need?

I'm looking at the digitalocean droplets, as I want to take a nodejs project online. It's a webapp. It uses Express.js. It uses a DB that is in the cloud.My nodejs project folder is ~187MB.So... which droplet do I need? Each droplet specifies its memory, cores, SSD Disk space, and Transfer. Which of those factors are most important? Does node.js need a lot of memory, for example?

Submitted February 25, 2017 at 02:32PM by MonkeyOnARock1

Friday, 24 February 2017

Sequelize ORM Question

Let's assume I have 2 tables: author and books. Let us then say that there is a many-to-many relationship between books and authors. Author.belongsToMany(Book, { through: 'AuthorBook', foreignKey: 'authorId' }); Book.belongsToMany(Author, { through: 'AuthorBook', foreignKey: 'bookId' }); So this results in a join table, named 'AuthorBook.' But I thought this join table was supposed to automatically populate itself as I create entries for Author and Book tables individually. Rather no row gets created for the join table. As I create a new Book entry for example, isn't the join table supposed to automatically create a row of its own as it references the Book table to the author table? Is that not the whole point of having join tables in the first place?edit: for clarification

Submitted February 25, 2017 at 06:03AM by LeahIsBest

Social framework

I have several apps sketched out that target different markets but follow a highly similar backend pattern.I was wondering if anyone has a good solution or toolset for building the following social web app:User Auth (local & oAuth)Follow/unfollow usersUser content (text, image uploads, tags, upvotes, comments)Content feed (with search, sort and filter)Basic admin (ban user, delete content)Scalability is important, but more importantly I'm hoping to find a good framework or toolset where I can easily duplicate the core between apps so I can focus on the few parts that are unique between them. Thanks for any suggestions.

Submitted February 25, 2017 at 03:04AM by everdev

Notification system based on MongoDB documents?

I am currently developing a web app that uses Node.js, Express, and MongoDB. It is based off of [KeystoneJS](keystonejs.com) for data, route, and user management. I'm looking for a way to create a notification system based off of new or changed MongoDB documents in my app.To clarify, I am not talking about HTML5 popup/notification boxes. I'm talking about notifications native to my application that let users view notices specific to them, and come back to them later. A la Facebook notifications.Say, for example, someone signs up to attend a specific event. I want to send a notification to the organizer of that event, letting them know who has signed up. I already have functionality in order to view the details of who has signed up, but I just want there to be some sort of client-facing alert once it happens (other than them checking a list). The idea would be for it to look something like this:[Person Name] has RSVP'ed for [Event Name]!There are two ways that I can go about this:1. Adding a Notification model to MongoDB and creating a Notification every time someone registersI'm not opposed to this due to how simple it would be, but I'm concerned as to how much size it would take up in the database. What I would probably do is prune notifications every seven days so that only the most recent are kept, but I would rather not delete notifications if I can help it. I am fine with notifications not appearing until a new page loads, though it would be nice if it were instant somehow (frontend AJAX or something).2. Socket.io notifications in real timeI don't dislike this idea, but I don't know how notifications would be stored so that users would be able to come back to a notification if they're not right there when it occurs. Would the notifications be stored in a database? Or temporarily? What happens when the server resets? How can I have it persist between reboots, and potentially have the ability to delete notifications at will?Which option would be the best for me? Is there a better, third option that is not occuring to me?Thank you!

Submitted February 24, 2017 at 08:59PM by TheD3xus

A lightweight library for preserving user data from first website visit to signup.


Submitted February 24, 2017 at 07:05PM by ratancs

How to login with NTLM authentication when using node as a web scraper?

BACKGROUND: I'm building a (nonmalicious) webscraper for a specific website. The scraper will login with a user's login information (provided by users) and scrape specific information.Here's the structure I envision (?):mySite hosts a page with an HTML form at http://ift.tt/2mlMs2m POSTs to a node.js module "scraper".node.js module "scraper" connects to http://ift.tt/2lCfKeL and uses the form information to login to the site."scraper" scrapes information from http://ift.tt/2lCg1y2 view any content on the site, a login is required. Loading the page pops an "Authentication Required" window in a user's browser.As far as I can tell, NTLM is used for the authentication.The response header reads (exerpt):Request URL: http://ift.tt/2mlMiI8 method: GETRemote address: xxx.xxx.xx.xxx:PPPStatus code: 401 UnauthorizedVersion: HTTP/1.1...Server:"Microsoft-IIS/7.5"WWW-Authenticate:"NTLM"X-MS-InvokeApp:"1; RequireReadOnly"X-Powered-By:"ASP.NET"GOOGLE-FU: Most information I've found falls into two categories;(1) using web scrapers to login when websites use POST forms for Username/Password (not applicable, as NTLM popup isn't a form?);(2) deals with using NTLM to authenticate users for some web application.QUESTION: Can I/how do I use packages like express-ntlm, node-ntlm, passport-ntlm, etc. in combination with webscraping?I'm new to node.js (and web development in general) so please excuse and correct any misconceptions I have.

Submitted February 24, 2017 at 07:07PM by Superiorem

Hacker News Slack Bot in node (fully open source)


Submitted February 24, 2017 at 07:02PM by Nimsical

What is the best way to create real time image uploads?

Hi, Node js beginner here. I am adding the feature to upload profile images for the users in my app. I have currently built a solution using multer. I store the images in an app and then I store the file path in mongodb. I can see the image in app. My problem is that once i upload the image I have to refresh the page to see the new image. how can i fix this?

Submitted February 24, 2017 at 06:48PM by chkslry

This training course will help you discover how the Node framework can help you write server-side code and build lightweight, scalable network applications


Submitted February 24, 2017 at 06:01PM by ratancs

Become an Auth Boss. Learn about different authentication methodologies on the web.


Submitted February 24, 2017 at 06:02PM by ratancs

How to pass the Node.js interview


Submitted February 24, 2017 at 06:03PM by ratancs

Add private scope to javascript objects and classes

http://ift.tt/2lBsO3S is mostly a proof of concept I made for fun as it uses several frowned upon techniques such as decorating Object.prototype, stack inspection and Function.caller, which isn't even supported in strict mode.Nevertheless, my goal was to bolt on private scoping into any regular javascript object, without any need for precompiling.The end result is that you just include this module require('private-scope') and now can do things like so:const test = { getX: function() { return this.private.x; }, setX: function(x) { this.private.x = x; } }; test.private.x = 5; // TypeError: cannot find x of undefined test.setX(100); console.log(test.private.x); // TypeError: cannot find x of undefined console.log(test.getX()); // 100

Submitted February 24, 2017 at 05:07PM by Macmee

Anatomy of Cloudflare’s CloudBleed: what you need to know and fix


Submitted February 24, 2017 at 04:30PM by ecares

Multer/MongoDB Issue - Image Saved to DB Correctly, Get a 404 in View

I've asked this question over at SO, with no success, so this is an attempt to cast a wider net. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated. If you want to see all of my code, it's listed in this post: http://ift.tt/2lCZ6tG basically, I'm trying to use Multer/Express/MongoDB to upload an image to the DB, and it appears like I'm successfully saving it to the DB, but when I try to use it in my view, I get this weird 404 Error with a very strange path:CANNOT GET: http://localhost:3090/project/%7B%20contentType:%20'image/png',%20%20data:%…b%2047%2044%2000%20ff%2000%20ff%2000%20ff%20a0%20bd%20a7%20...%20%3E%20%7D 404 (Not Found)I know I'm saving the image in the correct directory and the path that the view is referencing is correct (I know this, because I tested it with images I added to that directory manually, and without saving it to the DB).My understanding is that the image is stored in Binary, so it seems like there is some issue in converting that into the image, but obviously my understanding of this process is rudimentary.So, I thought I was incorrectly storing data in the DB, but using RoboMongo, this is what it looks like, which I believe is correct:http://ift.tt/2lCZ4ly ideas here? Seems like a lot of people struggle with Multer, so I'm also open to using an alternative middleware, if there are any better options.Thanks in advance!

Submitted February 24, 2017 at 01:36PM by wploser

Node.js Weekly Update - 24 Feb


Submitted February 24, 2017 at 10:52AM by hfeeri

NodeJS C++ client node-firebird-libfbclient v.0.1.1 updated with a few fixes


Submitted February 24, 2017 at 07:50AM by mariuz

Thursday, 23 February 2017

Blazing fast XML parser to JSON for Node.js written in Rust


Submitted February 24, 2017 at 12:00AM by ricardofbarros

Image manipulation service in node (ImageMagic) for AWS / local files (X-Post /r/imagemagick)


Submitted February 23, 2017 at 07:37PM by Nimsical

Load Balancers for Node.JS Applications


Submitted February 23, 2017 at 04:33PM by shsh3

A Node Module boilerplate/generator with the latest tools to automate our workflow (like automatically generated docs)


Submitted February 23, 2017 at 09:17AM by diegohaz

Mastering NodeJs


Submitted February 23, 2017 at 09:30AM by Helen791

Best way to sanitize a Sequelize Instance object prior to sending to client?

I have an API utilizing Sequelize on a Postgres DB and I need to output the objects I am pulling from the DB to my clients. However on some records such as User records there will be sensitive data attached to it, like the password hash or billing info, that I need to make sure is not sent to the client. Of course I have the option of only selecting the fields I want during my database request, but I may need those sensitive fields while I'm handling it (such as during a login attempt to verify the user's password).The other option is to, just before returning the response to the client, run the object through a cleaning function to remove any sensitive fields. This would be great, but gets tricky if I have other model relations populated, I would also need call the cleaning function on any attached instances. Or if I pull an array of objects, then I need to loop through each one (and hope they don't also have relations populated on them to clean). Basically this cleaning setup to cover all cases is gonna get messy real quick.Is there a solution in Sequelize, or via another package, that can sanitize the output of every one of my models before sending to the client?

Submitted February 23, 2017 at 06:53AM by Sythic_

Wednesday, 22 February 2017

open source Api project in node.js ( express and mongodb )

No text found

Submitted February 23, 2017 at 04:48AM by sagarjethi

phin - Dependency-free, lightweight HTTP request module


Submitted February 23, 2017 at 04:24AM by Etha_n

How to access the specific json objects?

I have an array like so:[{ "src": "link1" }, { "src": "link2" }, { "src": "link3" }] I am having a hard time grabbing the "src" value.I try to log the value by doing this, console.log(JSON.stringify(array.src)); But nothing comes back.

Submitted February 22, 2017 at 11:43PM by farhansyed7911

Anyone know a good flame graph visualization or profiling service for Node.js?

I'm looking for something along the lines of: http://ift.tt/2lMxCo4 it'd be plug and play for stack trace visualization and memory leak detection.

Submitted February 22, 2017 at 08:43PM by mojoback

Graphs, GraphDBs and JavaScript + Exploring Trumpworld


Submitted February 22, 2017 at 08:49PM by cstuff8

Announcing TypeScript 2.2


Submitted February 22, 2017 at 06:00PM by DanielRosenwasser

Fencing Tokens in Node.js


Submitted February 22, 2017 at 06:32PM by asafdav2

Node.js Server Side JavaSript (32 bit)

Hi /r/nodeThat thing in the title is running in the background on my laptop. I have no idea what it is. I found this sub by googling "node js reddit". How can I delete it? Is there perhaps a program using this that I don't know about?Thanks

Submitted February 22, 2017 at 04:49PM by The_Immoral_God

TIL Webstorm will tell you which of your libraries are out of date


Submitted February 22, 2017 at 04:51PM by MostlyCarbonite

🍅 A good old cli based Pomodoro timer with native notifications


Submitted February 22, 2017 at 01:31PM by tiaan-duplessis

Looking for a Node Developer

Hello,Looking for a NodeJS developer who is happy to work with me on a project. Got a nice budget, preferably have good coding organisation, Socket knowedge (multiplayer game, simple enough though) & rest api's et

Submitted February 22, 2017 at 12:39PM by someinternetguy2000

Why is my array coming back as undefined?

I have a simple get request like so,... var productData = []; var isConnectedToShopify; if (shopifyAccessName) { isConnectedToShopify = true; // Start GET shopify.get('/admin/products.json', function(err, data, headers){ var a = data.products; a.forEach(function (entry) { var imagesArray = entry.images.map(i => ({ src: i.src })); productData = imagesArray; }); }); //end GET }else{ isConnectedToShopify = false; } console.log(productData); res.render('dashboard-shopify',{message: username, hasShopifyConnected: isConnectedToShopify, productData: productData}); ... productData is coming back as undefined or empty, what am I doing wrong?

Submitted February 22, 2017 at 10:42AM by farhansyed7911

Microsoft releasing JavaScriptServices/NodeServices, allowing integration of Node with ASP.NET Core


Submitted February 22, 2017 at 08:30AM by no_bd

Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Node v7.6.0 released (with async/await)


Submitted February 22, 2017 at 03:37AM by NoInkling

Recently made a dependency free module for verifying Google sign in tokens - I'm surprised how many downloads it got for my first module


Submitted February 22, 2017 at 12:55AM by bdsomer

How to pass array to .ejs file then iterate through it.

I pass an object when i call res.render('index',{books: bookArray});on the client side I try to do this:
    <% books.forEach(function(book){ %>
  • <%- book.id %>
  • <%});%>
I get this error: Cannot read property 'forEach' of undefined

Submitted February 22, 2017 at 01:58AM by farhansyed7911

Debug V8 in Node.js core with GDB


Submitted February 21, 2017 at 10:39PM by fagnerbrack

Using Node 6 at Wikimedia


Submitted February 21, 2017 at 07:03PM by The_ed17

New Pluralsight course: "Advanced Node.js" -- Focusing on the Node.js runtime itself (not its packages)


Submitted February 21, 2017 at 04:26PM by samerbuna

Why is socket.io down?

I've been trying to access it for two days. I asked my friends to try to see if works for them, doesn't work for them either. Is it working for any of you guys?

Submitted February 21, 2017 at 01:48PM by waleed_ahmad

10 Best Practices for Writing Node.js REST APIs


Submitted February 21, 2017 at 01:12PM by hfeeri

Reshape Water - Home


Submitted February 21, 2017 at 12:33PM by joellynjennexvg

Learn to build Web Apps with Node.js - Free eBook


Submitted February 21, 2017 at 11:02AM by tanvirhasanmony

Linux Today - Pitfalls to Avoid When Implementing Node.js and Containers


Submitted February 21, 2017 at 07:56AM by joey_php

My moddable, multiplayer roguelike Isleward, is now open source.

Screenshots:LedgesEquipment UILeaderboardA poor areaFaction ReputationRoyal PalaceDialoguesWall of Text:For the past year, I've spent a large chunk of my free time working on a multiplayer roguelike called 'Isleward'. 'Working on' seems wrong though. I've lived and breathed Isleward, along with a few dedicated fans in the discord channel. You guys know who you are!Isleward is inspired by classic MUDs and roguelikes as well as newer MMOs, RPGs and ARPGs. Initially, I was planning on making it free to play (on a hosted server) but the more I worked on it, the more I realized that the project was simply too big for one person. I had too many features I wanted to build and too many maps I wished I could add for me to think it would be achievable in my lifetime.So a few weeks ago I decided I would 'give' Isleward to the world. The code-base has been completely open-sourced (under a very permissible license). I've also started working on making modding easier (use the staging branch if you want access to these changes for now). My intention to continue working on the game hasn't changed; I'll still likely be the most active contributor to the project.As the game is structured now, anyone can get the source and host a server that other people can connect to over the internet. You can download mods (only one has been written so far - by me to serve as an example) and add new maps. Mod support is still rather rudimentary but it's super easy to extend, which is something we'll be doing as the community grows.Isleward is written in NodeJS (server) and JS (client) and I feel that the code-base is relatively neat and maintainable, if contributing is the kind of thing you see yourself doing. If you don't want to run your own server, you can always just find another server to play on (at the moment there are only one or two being run (one of them is being run on a Rasberry Pi 3) but that'll grow once people start messing around).And that's basically it. Thanks for reading this far!Important Links:GitLabTest ServerOther Links:DiscordSubredditBlogWikiTwitterPatreon

Submitted February 21, 2017 at 06:11AM by DavianBlack

Monday, 20 February 2017

New to promises...can Anyone help me get a value here? Thank you!


Submitted February 21, 2017 at 01:12AM by HotPushUpGuy69

sending emails w/ Nodemailer and xoauth2 'Gmail'

Hi guys, I am trying to use nodeJS with nodemailer and xoauth2 with gmail to send emails. I am still very new but i found a lot of resources with the tools I am using and even videos. However, there is an error when i run the file and i am completely stuck. I would seriously appreciate any feedback!This is the error msg: "Error: Invalid login: 535-5.7.8 Username and Password not accepted. Learn more at 535 5.7.8 http://ift.tt/2d1Efv4 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx - gsmtp"This is the xoauth2 fields and followed the steps on the link: var transporter = nodemailer.createTransport({ service: 'Gmail', auth: { xoauth2: xoauth2.createXOAuth2Generator({ user: 'email', clientId: 'clientId', clientSecret: 'clientSecret', refreshToken: 'refreshToken' }) } })

Submitted February 21, 2017 at 12:20AM by tht_chico

Creating a node.js application to consume an API

Hi Guys, i have to consume an API weather + places in Node and store all this in MongoDb, i don't know where and how to start :/ is there a good tutorial ? about this kind of thing ?Thank you soo much.

Submitted February 20, 2017 at 10:21PM by G3nzo

All of the sudden my Vue-Webpack dev server stopped working.

I don't believe I made any changes to anything that should have effected anything on the node-webpack side of my project but when I tried to launch "npm run dev" I was receiving errors. I installed 2-3 dependencies by hand that it claimed were missing before realizing I should just "npm install" which is when I got the following error:npm WARN optional SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: fsevents@^1.0.0 (node_modules\chokidar\node_modules\fsevents): npm WARN notsup SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: Unsupported platform for fsevents@1.1.1: wanted {"os":"darwin","arch":"any "} (current: {"os":"win32","arch":"x64"}) npm ERR! Windows_NT 10.0.14393 npm ERR! argv "C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node.exe" "C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node_modules\\npm\\bin\\npm-cli.js" "ins tall" npm ERR! node v6.9.3 npm ERR! npm v3.10.10 npm ERR! path C:\Users\Ampix0\Documents\WebDev\Driveway\my-app\node_modules\node-sass\vendor\win32-x64-48\binding.node npm ERR! code EPERM npm ERR! errno -4048 npm ERR! syscall unlink npm ERR! Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, unlink 'C:\Users\Ampix0\Documents\WebDev\Driveway\my-app\node_modules\no de-sass\vendor\win32-x64-48\binding.node' npm ERR! at Error (native) npm ERR! { Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, unlink 'C:\Users\Ampix0\Documents\WebDev\Driveway\my-app\node_modules \node-sass\vendor\win32-x64-48\binding.node' npm ERR! at Error (native) npm ERR! errno: -4048, npm ERR! code: 'EPERM', npm ERR! syscall: 'unlink', npm ERR! path: 'C:\\Users\\Ampix0\\Documents\\WebDev\\Driveway\\my-app\\node_modules\\node-sass\\vendor\\win32-x64-48\ \binding.node', npm ERR! parent: 'my-app' } npm ERR! npm ERR! Please try running this command again as root/Administrator. npm ERR! Please include the following file with any support request: npm ERR! C:\Users\Ampix0\Documents\WebDev\Driveway\my-app\npm-debug.log PS C:\Users\Ampix0\Documents\WebDev\Driveway\my-app> I am running on Windows, and this is from a PowerShell terminal running as admin.

Submitted February 20, 2017 at 09:42PM by Ampix0

Native ECMAScript modules: dynamic import()


Submitted February 20, 2017 at 07:05PM by dobkin-1970

cant connect css to html using express/pug

I've tried for hours trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong. I've copied someone else's code almost exactly to no avail.var express = require('express'); var app = express(); var path = require('path'); var routes = require('./routes') app.set('views', path.join(__dirname, 'views')); app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'public'))); app.set('view engine', 'pug'); app.get('/', function(req, res){ res.render(__dirname + '/views/index.pug') }); app.listen(8888, function(req, res){ console.log('server is listening on port 8888'); }); pug file:doctype html html head link(href='../public/stylesheets/style.css' rel='stylesheet') title body p this is a para .red folder structure: sockettest app.js views index.pug public stylesheets style.css

Submitted February 20, 2017 at 06:48PM by Chigurhshairdresser

Getting node.js app to display data from MongoDB with Auth turned on

Hey there,Trying to get my app to display mongodb collection data since I've turned on Auth in MongoDB but having no success. I'm new to MEAN Stack and I'm trying to understand what needs to happen. I've linked my SO post below for the full explanation (easier for code formatting).StackOverflow PostFeel free to leave a comment here or on the SO post. Thanks!

Submitted February 20, 2017 at 04:14PM by expenguin

Request: contribution/criticism/ etc for a project I'm working on?

My GitHub I've got a few updates to add and the servers will be online in a bit so the client will function, update includes a much needed code tidy up. Any input appreciated! Still learning JavaScript.

Submitted February 20, 2017 at 01:48PM by AlexLex1500

Cross-platform addons with node-pre-gyp


Submitted February 20, 2017 at 12:18PM by freezer333

Pitfalls of Node.js


Submitted February 20, 2017 at 09:22AM by avi00

NodeJS in the enterprise, opinions & pitfalls…


Submitted February 20, 2017 at 09:22AM by php03

After A Year Of Using NodeJS In Production


Submitted February 20, 2017 at 09:23AM by joey_php

Node.js: The Essentials + API Frameworks Express KOA Sails


Submitted February 20, 2017 at 09:47AM by Helen791

Sunday, 19 February 2017

New to node, not sure which offline database to use.

I am pretty new to node and in the project I am working on I will need access to a database locally. The database will be storing item data from a game. The database needs to be more than just json files because I will need to run queries / analytics on the database. I am familiar with MySQL and was looking at SQLite but I have read it has some compatibility issues with Electron (which is what I am using). I have done some searching but there seems to be quite a few options but I am not even sure where to start. Figured I would toss out the question to some more knowledgeable people before diving into one.

Submitted February 20, 2017 at 05:42AM by MollariDotCom

Please help me think about my project technologies and structure

I have a dataset which I would like to navigate like a conversation. I'm now looking to make an app to consume it, which will require a UI, API & DB. If you've ever used a chatbot in a messaging application you know what I'm going for. I'm gonna create a webapp which looks like a mobile chat app where you can click on response buttons, eg: "what would you like to eat?" A:"burger", B:"salad". The dataset is very large so i don't want to download it in one go. Instead I would prefer to download each new document as the user selects responses/choices in the chat UI. I'm thinking of using redux & react to manage the page state and structure, but i'm still unsure of how to manage requests to the backend, and which database to store the data in. Would you recommend just using fetch or relay or something? What kind of db would be most appropriate for returning documents that can link to any other documents? Thanks for your help thinking about this.

Submitted February 20, 2017 at 04:47AM by basiclaser

Looking for a library that allows simple editing of json files

I'm working on a small(ish) utility project. I'm using the config library (basically a directory full of specifically named json files, and a set of rules to determine which one to load http://ift.tt/2lZa67V etc). Is there a drop in module to allow editing of files like these on the server (including both server and client side). My server side is express, as long as it's compatible with express I don't much care.It can be a big text area and a list of files (nicer would be better, but I don't really care that much).They're easy enough to write, I just don't want to (side project, and I'm lazy). Would rather spend time solving my actual problem.

Submitted February 20, 2017 at 03:53AM by skarfacegc

Looking for feedback: an Express-like framework for microservices


Submitted February 20, 2017 at 01:15AM by brendanmyers

Dehydrate and Hydrate JavaScript Errors for Transmission and Handling


Submitted February 19, 2017 at 02:21PM by jonpress

Survey] Hey Node.js Fans, I am building a new platform for fans and would love to have your input. Will take a minute. Thanks a lot


Submitted February 19, 2017 at 02:05PM by gobeno

How To Create A Node.js Microservice For Your Ionic App


Submitted February 19, 2017 at 08:39AM by dobkin-1970

Saturday, 18 February 2017

[help] Reading files is unbelievably slow.

I'm new to node.js and this is driving me crazy. Why tf is node reading these json files so slowly? it takes about 4 minutes to read a 1KB file, which is absolutely ridiculous.index.js heregithub/package here<200 lines of code, not a very complex project. The fs.readFile code is literally cut and paste from the documentation. The code runs, it's just insanely slow.

Submitted February 19, 2017 at 02:50AM by SamSlate

Newbie post: https request/agent help

I'm working on a learning project that involves downloading a json file from a redis queue URL, then processing the contents and inserting the new documents into a MongoDB. Currently I'm trying to save the file to disk, then process the objects within. I believe I'm running into problems with getting my callbacks correct with async get requests, as only 0 byte files are being created on disk. Running the code to download and save a file to disk only once in a separate file works, but once I try to loop this function is when I have problems.EDIT: I should mention that it can take up to 5 seconds to get a reply from this URL and that the ttw=5 controls this behavior in the link below.Here is a pastebin link:http://ift.tt/2lZ187h help is appreciated. Thanks. (And I'm not even sure if the code after saving the file will work how it is, as I haven't gotten the code to run that far yet).

Submitted February 18, 2017 at 10:31PM by namrak

An Update on ES6 Modules in Node.js – Node.js Collection


Submitted February 18, 2017 at 07:30PM by ginger-julia

Command line search tool designed for developers [node]


Submitted February 18, 2017 at 08:06PM by shinemonad

Node.js library for colorizing text. An alternative to chalk in 10 lines of code.


Submitted February 18, 2017 at 06:15PM by bucaran

Newbie: http server help.

Besides a hello world example, this is my fist attempt at node. I'm trying to console out webhook callbacks from an API. I got the PUT request to display how I want them, but after a PUT request I need to make a GET request and I would like to display the response in the console too.Edit: Here's what I'm trying to accomplish. Ok, so I have a webhook I created, this webhook sends a POST request to my server every time a message is posted. This POST request will have an ID. I need to get that ID and then make a GET request using that ID. I would like to print out the contents of the POST request and GET response to the console. Does this help?Here's what I have so far:var http = require("http"); var port = 8080; //setup future GET request var options = { url: 'http://ift.tt/2lY4FTk', method: 'GET', headers: { 'User-Agent': 'request', 'Authorization': 'Bearer bar' } } var server = http.createServer(); server.on('request', function(request, response) { console.log(request.method); if(request.method == 'POST'){ var jsonString = ''; request.on('data', function(data){ jsonString += data; }); request.on('end', function(){ console.log(JSON.parse(jsonString)); post = JSON.parse(jsonString); //make GET request http.request(options).end(); }); } if(request.method == 'GET'){ var jsonString1 = ''; response.on('data', function(chunk){ jsonString1 += chunk; }); request.on('end', function(){ console.log((jsonString1)); }); } response.end(); }); server.listen(port); console.log('Online'); Anyone have any ideas or examples I could follow?

Submitted February 18, 2017 at 03:42PM by DAM9779

GitHub - dleitee/walletjs: Now you can handle money without headaches!


Submitted February 18, 2017 at 03:43PM by k3rn3lx

How to generate a good fundament for node projects with ts, just like ng2-cli but for backend?

All generators and all boilerplates i have tried throw npm warnings about deprecated packages.Or do i have to setup the project manually?

Submitted February 18, 2017 at 04:10PM by Telcrome

Need help hosting a node.js website which runs perfectly on local host

My app built in node.js works just fine when i run on local host but cant seem to host it online. Here is the repository. (http://ift.tt/2lvBVUG) [portfolio].Could anyone help me with hosting this website online so that while applying for jobs I could showcase my talent somewhere. I have tried Heroku, AWS, didnt work for me. Maybe a small mistake from my side.Any inputs will be greatly appreciated.

Submitted February 18, 2017 at 04:15PM by adkd1

Ardor Node JS module


Submitted February 18, 2017 at 03:14PM by lurker10k

V8 JavaScript Engine: High-performance ES2015 and beyond


Submitted February 18, 2017 at 11:07AM by tknew

Friday, 17 February 2017

Help with node-hid (Specifically sending data to Dualshock 4)

Trying to send data to a Dualshock 4 controller over bluetooth, I have all the report ID stuff down as far as I am aware (0x11 Report ID) and I've been looking at things that I know work (I was reading over the github for DS4Windows as I've seen it work over Bluetooth)According to the DS4Windows git the buffer is 79/78 long and has0x11, 0x80, ?, 0xff, ?, ?, rumbleLeft, rumbleRight, r, g, b, flashOn, flashOffHowever when I write to the device absolutely nothing happens the LED's don't change and the motors don't activate, what am I doing wrong here? For what its worth this originally worked perfectly fine over a USB connection with the USB buffer settings

Submitted February 18, 2017 at 06:10AM by TheRealShubshub

It’s time to give TypeScript another chance


Submitted February 17, 2017 at 05:58PM by bitjson

Is this an okay file structure ?

http://ift.tt/2lVgeea'm messing around with a project i am making. I know that at the end of the day I can make my file structure however I want, but I'm just curious to see what you guys think.If you want you can run the app, just create a MySQL DB and updated the .env file correctly.I'm not looking for code critique really, but that's welcomed, I'm more looking for critique on my structure of the project.

Submitted February 17, 2017 at 02:49PM by HappyZombies

JS Optional Chaining: Another CoffeeScript-inspired proposal


Submitted February 17, 2017 at 01:08PM by fagnerbrack

How to keep a user's sessionToken as a cookie when opening a new tab?

I followed this simple guide on saving a sessionToken:http://ift.tt/2lpHK5L

Submitted February 17, 2017 at 12:14PM by farhansyed7911

Content-Security-Policy in Express apps


Submitted February 17, 2017 at 09:43AM by warpech

A mostly reasonable collection of technical software development interview questions solved in Javascript


Submitted February 17, 2017 at 09:55AM by ratancs

Thursday, 16 February 2017

Node.js Weekly Update - 17 Feb, 2017


Submitted February 17, 2017 at 06:43AM by hfeeri



Submitted February 17, 2017 at 05:32AM by ratancs

Building REST APIs with Observables


Submitted February 17, 2017 at 01:24AM by code_barbarian

Take an Express.js Container From Development to Amazon ECS (X-Post r/aws)

Hey r/node!My name is John Marbach and I work at Bitnami. Recently we were thinking about how we could help developers who are new to Docker begin to use containers in development and production.So we created a tutorial that explains all of the steps necessary to take a container-based application from development to Amazon ECS. We used the Bitnami Express.js development container for our tutorial, which enables developers to create a website that connects to a MariaDB database.Interested to learn more about how you can develop, deploy, and update a container-based application? Give our tutorial a try!http://ift.tt/2kr1ph9

Submitted February 16, 2017 at 10:12PM by jmarbach

AWS Serverless stack - API Gateway, Lambda and DynamoDB


Submitted February 16, 2017 at 09:10PM by ivan_jovanovic

Node bug for certificate subjects?

express middleware to track current user's ip

is there any middleware i can use for express to achieve this?

Submitted February 16, 2017 at 06:59PM by raistlinthewiz

Find IP stream URL from webpage widget

I am looking for IP url's from a website. They are some simple beach IP cams, I would like to use them in an app. However, I can't extract the IP url using Google developer tools.This is the website: http://ift.tt/2lbKH7z developer tools, I can see these two streams that look like this:http://ift.tt/2kX7NQT the other streams look the same, also using the ipcamliveplayer.But I can't use this in VLC for example. Does anybody have an idea? It's for my mom, she likes to see this specific beach.

Submitted February 16, 2017 at 05:57PM by Mycoldshower

[Express] How do I determine where my request is coming from?

Quick question,I currently have a node.js application that takes parameters via a URL and returns a .wav file via res.redirect(mywavfile) which then redirects to my .wav file. I then have a webpage which speaks to this server to play the requested .wav file like so: audio.src = "http://ift.tt/2lWVzp4" + encodeURIComponent(message);"This works perfectly and returns the .wav file as requested and plays it in the browser. However, I would really like to make it so I can create a quick API which returns the file location as a string. For this I would need to use res.send(file location). But how can I differentiate between the user on my webpage making a request to my server which serves the .wav files and somebody requesting it via something like Postman?Is there an easy way to let the user trying to access the files decide if it would like a res.redirect or a string res.send response?

Submitted February 16, 2017 at 04:57PM by haybros

ES6 boilerplate, with Webpack, Pug, Stylus and a bunch of other goodies.


Submitted February 16, 2017 at 03:15PM by Midasx

Have your MVP Running in Prod within 15 Minutes with Serverless


Submitted February 16, 2017 at 01:33PM by yulingc

Get gitlab privateToken using passport-gitlab2

I am trying to create an issue board for my gitlab installation using node.js. I am able to use passport-gitlab2 to get user authentication which I want to use to pass a private token to access the gitlab api via node-gitlab but am unable to see where to get the token.The code I am using is below. Minus a info.js file which I use to store access keys.var passport = require("passport"); var gitlabAuth = require("passport-gitlab2"); var info = require("./info.js"); var express = require("express"); var morgan = require('morgan'); var gitlab = require('node-gitlab'); var opts = {}; opts.port = 3000; var app = express(); app.use(morgan('common')); var admin = express.Router(); app.use(require('serve-static')(__dirname + '/../../public')); app.use(require('express-session')({ secret: 'keyboard cat', resave: true, saveUninitialized: true })); app.use(passport.initialize()); app.use(passport.session()); console.log("Server running on port: " + opts.port); passport.use(new gitlabAuth({ clientID: info.gitlabID, clientSecret: info.gitlabSecret, callbackURL: "http://ift.tt/2lmQd9J", baseURL: "http://git.bertie.io" }, function(accessToken, refreshToken, profile, cb) { console.log(profile); } )); app.get('/', function(req, res) { res.send('Hello World') }) app.get('/auth/gitlab', passport.authenticate('gitlab', { failureRedirect: '/login' }) ); function gitLabTest(code) { var client = gitlab.create({ api: 'http://ift.tt/2lUYyP1', privateToken: info.pvTest }); client.issues.list({id: 1}, function (err, milestones) { console.log(err, milestones); }); } app.listen(3000)

Submitted February 16, 2017 at 10:59AM by SteamPunk_Devil

SocketCluster design patterns for chat


Submitted February 16, 2017 at 11:53AM by jonpress

[free ebook] Building with Node.js


Submitted February 16, 2017 at 12:11PM by hfeeri

Made a simple Reddit bot for Telegram


Submitted February 16, 2017 at 09:39AM by poeti8

Wednesday, 15 February 2017

Inside an Ethereum transaction (with pics :)


Submitted February 16, 2017 at 05:24AM by codetractio

Node.js alternative to Laravel

What is the alternative in the node.js world to something like Laravel?I mean a MVC framework that is mature and stable and has user accounts and database setup right out of the box?

Submitted February 16, 2017 at 04:25AM by MTLface

What are really useful modules to have for office related work? (Or generally, for any job)

Modules that convert to/from CSV are really useful since excel is used everywhere in almost any job. I also find the "opn" module useful (opens up links in browser, and any .exe file etc)What are some other interesting/useful/honorable mentions?

Submitted February 16, 2017 at 12:10AM by LuCas23332

Node.js + containers = magic. Read this blog on the why and how to get started


Submitted February 15, 2017 at 10:38PM by ecares

Recommend any fullstack projects relying on Node.js?

Hi, there I'm trying to understand the project structure for 2016+ Nodejs fullstack project. Please, let me know if there are github repos with good structure you would recommend. Super ideal would be recent(ly updated) tutorials but if not github repos are fine.

Submitted February 15, 2017 at 09:16PM by imgurceo

I made an open source referral/reward tool, for viral exposure and building an email list of strong leads

Schemebeam is a React/Node app used to make your product go viral while also building a list of valuable leads, via a referral-based marketing strategy. This free, easy-to-use tool is similar in function to popular pay-per-campaign services such as Maître or Viral Loops. Check it out at http://ift.tt/2l8YXAj you have any feedback or questions, let me know!

Submitted February 15, 2017 at 08:16PM by ZeroCarbsSince96

Building a scalable Node.js Express app


Submitted February 15, 2017 at 04:55PM by zurfyx

Learn Node by building real-world applications


Submitted February 15, 2017 at 03:02PM by Rajaj101

I apologize in advance - but I have a really silly node question (new to node)

I've always done development on Apache2 (LAMP); which is easy enough - you can just create an HTML document right in a directory and 'bam', you can access it via your browser!From the little tutorials and stuff I've seen online - it appears you have to run a node command via CLI to 'start' the node server.How does that work for doing local development? Not that I'm opposed to typing a command and then looking at my work.But it just seems that Apache is 'always on', I never have to think about it or type commands to get it running.Can Node work that way or am I missing something?I'd like to get a local dev environment setup so I can start learning - but I am just curious on the difference between apache and nodejs and how to set node up properly (I currently have it installed and did a couple little "hello world" tutorials)

Submitted February 15, 2017 at 02:22PM by TheOtherDanielFromSL

Using Heroku with Node.js: Production-Ready Application Checklist


Submitted February 15, 2017 at 02:42PM by hfeeri

Easy way to debug node in production?

I need to debug issues in production that don't appear in localhost environment, there seems to be no easy way to do this? The only method I've found thats worked is manually putting console.log, restarting via pm2, and watching the logs, until I find the problem line & request. This is very cumbersome though.

Submitted February 15, 2017 at 01:59PM by loftyal

Code Review Request - Basic API Project

This project is mainly a learning exercise for me. I'm trying to get a good grip on several things including: Node.js development in general, unit/integration testing, REST API development in general, authentication, and any other good practices that should be followed.This is a bare-bones API using express, PostGreSQL, Sequelize, Json-Web-Tokens, and mocha/chai for testing.I would appreciate any feedback on the code. Thank you in advance for taking a look.http://ift.tt/2lPOh6F

Submitted February 15, 2017 at 11:37AM by dw1284

Python Scrapy like tool for Nodejs? (https://scrapy.org)

https://scrapy.org/I would like to know if there is something like Scrapy for nodejs ?. if not what do you think of using the simple page download and parsing it using cheerio ? is there a better way

Submitted February 15, 2017 at 10:22AM by ratancs

Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Node.js 7.5.0 RC


Submitted February 15, 2017 at 04:19AM by italoacasas

Need a developer for React Native project - Payed

Apologies if this is not allowed but I am in need of a developer to help take on the task load for some development on a mesh networking program, rates and timelines are negotiable. If you are interested please send me a PM introducing yourself.

Submitted February 15, 2017 at 01:52AM by deathslocus

GitHub - dleitee/showdeps: A little library to list all dependencies from code.


Submitted February 15, 2017 at 02:11AM by k3rn3lx

Getting a shell through the NodeJS node-serialize RCE vulnerability


Submitted February 15, 2017 at 02:20AM by yogthos

readline module does not work with console log in node-repl

i was working on a project few days ago, it worked properly. Two days later i came back to the code and it does not work again. After trying to find the bug i discovered that it was how i use the module.'use strict'; const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); const rl = require('readline'); const cp = require('child_process').execSync; const Writable = require('stream').Writable; const vm = require('vm'); const util = require('util'); class Appendable extends Writable { constructor(source,options) { super(options); this.source = () => source; } _write(chunk, encoding, callback) { callback(fs.appendFileSync(this.source(),chunk)); } } class History { constructor() { let nodeHistFile = path.join(process.env.HOME, ".node_repl_history"); let nFile = ( fs.existsSync(nodeHistFile) ) ? nodeHistFile : process.env.NODE_REPL_HISTORY; this.histFile = () => nFile; let rd = rl.createInterface({ input: fs.createReadStream(this.histFile()) }); this.histSize = () => process.env.NODE_REPL_HISTORY_SIZE || 1000; this.rd = () => rd; } static ShowContent(histSize,rd) { let i = 0; rd.on('line', line => { i = ++i; console.log(` ${i} ${line}\n`); if ( Number(histSize) === i ) { rd.close(); } }); } history() { History.ShowContent(this.histSize(), this.rd()); } info(num = this.histSize()) { if ( (typeof num) !== 'number' ) { throw new TypeError(`expected a type of number as the first argument but got type of ${typeof(num)}`); } if ( num === this.histSize() ) { History.ShowContent(this.histSize(), this.rd()); return ; } let p = []; this.rd().on('line', line => { p.unshift(line); }); this.rd().on('close', () => { for ( let i = 1; i <= num ; ++i ) { let histNum = this.histSize() - i; if ( histNum ) { console.log(` ${histNum} ${p[i - 1]}\n`); continue; } } }); } add(histEvent,exec = false) { if ( arguments.length === 0 ) { throw new Error(`add method requres at least 1 argument which should be an Event to add to the history`); } { fs.writeFileSync(this.histFile() + ".bak", fs.readFileSync(this.histFile())); fs.writeFileSync(this.histFile(), histEvent + "\n"); let f = new Appendable(this.histFile()); fs.createReadStream(this.histFile() + ".bak").pipe(f); } if ( exec ) { const code = new vm.Script(histEvent); const context = vm.createContext({}); code.runInContext(context); console.log(util.inspect(context)); } } } let hist = new History(); module.exports = hist; if i run it as a command line program it works perfectly, if i want to use it as a module it does not log out anything i.e whenever i do> const h = require('./history.js'); > h.info() i expect h.info() to log out all the content in history because i called console.log inside this.rd().onThe only method that prints to stdout is the add method.After deep taught i added the output property to rl.createInterface , but whenever i require the package ( without even calling any method ) it just prints out the history content to stdout. I want the info method and history method to print to stdout when i call them from node repl

Submitted February 15, 2017 at 02:27AM by 73mp74710n

Almost All Open Source Node.js Base E-Commerce Platforms


Submitted February 15, 2017 at 03:31AM by hbakhtiyor

Silly question, but how do I go about creating the template engine/front end for big projects ?

So a lot of people seem to use jade or ejs for their projects. But how do I go about keep track of my front end. I have been using ejs because I like it...but I feel as though my ejs files are just too long. ( Maybe I'm doing it wrong ? )If I have a big project, do I have a bunch of ejs files with different "partials" to build the html ? Is there some useful front end library to help me with this or is there a template engine that I could use....Basically, what I am asking is.... *for big NodeJS projects, how do you store/make the front end of your application ? What template engine do you use and what front end libraries do you use (if any) ? Maybe if someone shared an example of project I could see what they do and get some ideas...

Submitted February 14, 2017 at 11:57PM by HappyZombies

Overwhelmed With Testing.

Hi everyone, I decided to make my own post even though there are a few out there that would seem to be similar to this one.I'm currently trying to build a restful API but I'm overwhelmed with all the mocking frameworks and everything else, so I'm hoping to gain some insight.I have been using Mocha and Chai for unit tests, but beyond that I'm lost...Should I be using Supertest and mocking http requests with Sinon?Should I be using Sinon-Chai?Should I be using Nock to intercept the requests instead of using Sinon?Should I use JSON-server and JSON-Schema Faker?What else am I missing?I'm just kind of venting and hoping someone might be able to help and point me in the right direction of some sort of "guide" to setting up some of this to be used. I've searched but I always only seem to find articles with the separate parts of the whole "using TDD to create an Express app with Unit tests and Integration tests". I want to write great tests and be the best coder that I can, but right now I'm a little lost.Thanks everyone.

Submitted February 14, 2017 at 11:36PM by ThatsRightBud

Six best practices when building REST APIs


Submitted February 14, 2017 at 10:28PM by hobonumber1

mongodb returns Cursor, I loop through and add objects into an array, how do I send the array client side without third party libraries?

this is what I have done so far: router.get('/', function(req, res, next) { mongo.connect('mongodb://localhost:27017/interview_prac', function(err, db) { var item = [] if (err) throw err; else { var nettuts = db.collection('nettuts') nettuts.find({gender: 'm'}, function(err, data) { if (err) throw err if (data) { data.forEach(function(myDoc) { item.push(myDoc) }) db.close() res.render('index', {data: item}); } }) } }) }); I want to send item to the client side, however, it get sends before items are added. I did look into promise, but that requires adding third party library. I don't want to add third party library. How would I send it without having using third party libraries?

Submitted February 14, 2017 at 08:57PM by lostwhitewalker

Getting Node.js Testing and TDD Right


Submitted February 14, 2017 at 05:12PM by hfeeri

Really confused about http.get/request for web scraper

So I have a project to make a web scraper. People seem to be using npm module request to make the request, but can this be done with native node modules such as http.get or http.request?If so what are the differences between the two?

Submitted February 14, 2017 at 03:05PM by RuhullAlam

[Beginner] Generate a pdf with node

Hi reddit,I discovered nodejs a few days ago and I'm a total beginner. Actually, I use it mainly for downloading libraries using bower or similar tasks.These days, I'm trying to build my first app with node but I'm stuck.To sum up, my app is an online text editor that use angular to dynamically generate document. The thing is I would like to be able to save my document as a pdf without using ctrl+P , as I use some styling that are unsupported by most browsers. I would like to use prince, which is a software that allows me to generate pdf from an html file. Here is a link to a node module I found.After a few hours, I managed to make it works somehow by creating this file that is named pdf.js:var Prince = require("prince"); Prince() .inputs("mydocument.html") .output("test.pdf") .execute() .then(function () { console.log("OK: done"); }, function (error) { console.log("ERROR: ", util.inspect(error)); }) When I want to generate the pdf, I open a command line and type node pdf.js and it does its magic.That's a first step and it works locally, with a static html but Ideally, I would like to be able to click on a button and make node generate this pdf with the content displayed on the browser.Here is what I have at the moment:
To sum up, here is what I want to do:Send the dynamically generated content displayed on the browser to be converted to pdfTrigger a node action when clicking on a buttonSend the generated document back to the browser to be downloadedI hope my problem is clear enough!Thanks a lot for your help on this issue and let me know if I can give more information!

Submitted February 14, 2017 at 03:46PM by petrarco123

Can you guys look @ my gulp file please? (sass & jekyll)

Hello all!I am not familiar with JS well and I am struggling coming up with optimal gulp task file to compile SASS and refresh changes built by Jekyll.I've browsed the web for a while and here is what I came up with:var gulp = require('gulp'); shell = require('gulp-shell'); sass = require('gulp-sass'), browserSync = require('browser-sync'), autoprefixer = require('gulp-autoprefixer'), notify = require("gulp-notify"); gulp.task('sass', function() { return gulp.src('_sass/styles.sass') .pipe(sass().on("error", notify.onError())) .pipe(autoprefixer(['last 15 versions'])) .pipe(gulp.dest('css')) .pipe(browserSync.reload({stream: true})); }); gulp.task('build', shell.task(['jekyll build --watch'])); gulp.task('serve', function () { browserSync.init({server: {baseDir: '_site/'}}); gulp.watch('_sass/**/*.sass', ['sass']); gulp.watch('_site/**/*.*').on('change', browserSync.reload); }); gulp.task('default', ['sass', 'build', 'serve']); However, its is not working properly sometimes. Would you recommend anything to make this workflow better?Here is a Gist for better code format.

Submitted February 14, 2017 at 12:47PM by serhiicss

Is there a framework/tool to rapidly create a REST API for an existing MySQL database that can be customised? • xpost /r/webdev


Submitted February 14, 2017 at 12:57PM by highmastdon



Submitted February 14, 2017 at 12:05PM by mavi888

Deploy a javascript/Node app to Heroku in 20 minutes


Submitted February 14, 2017 at 09:11AM by katerina-ser60

Monday, 13 February 2017

Can anyone explain why console.log prints undefined here?


Submitted February 14, 2017 at 04:43AM by HotPushUpGuy69

typescript-starter: use ES7 in node, export a tree-shakeable ES6 module for browsers, and generate docs from inferred types


Submitted February 14, 2017 at 02:18AM by bitjson

Building Vendor and Feature Bundles with webpack


Submitted February 14, 2017 at 02:41AM by chovy

Open Source alternative to http://ift.tt/1QzcACu?

Hey all - just discovered http://ift.tt/1QzcACu - awesome product that allows file upload from pretty much any cloud service, but our company prefers to have full control over the file upload process, so it won't work for us.Is there any Javascript/Node alternative to handle this sort of thing that's open-source? Thank you!

Submitted February 13, 2017 at 08:15PM by TOXICITY_IN_MY_CITY

What's the most effective testing strategy for a node + express project?

Hi, I'm working on my first node js project. I'm using node, express and socket.io to build a web based group chat. I built a few feautures but i was wondering what are the best packages to test with as of 2017?

Submitted February 13, 2017 at 07:44PM by chkslry

Ideas for my first Node.js + Express project

I've spent some time and brushed up on my Javascript skills which were not good enough to start learning node.js several months ago. Now that I feel more confident with vanilla Javascript I'd like to wrap my head around Node.js. Sadly enough, I still haven't found any good and relevant learning resources -- most books are badly outdated and I didn't like nodeschool). If there are some cool resources apart from nodeschool that you know of, tell me, please. That said, it seems that a good way is just to start building a project and read the docs. I don't find the Node's documentation very welcoming to newcomers, by the way. Problem is, I don't have any ideas on what could be a good project to start with. Ideally, that should be something not too challenging and at the same time useful as a quick introduction to Node.js. Thank you

Submitted February 13, 2017 at 07:02PM by dondraper36

The Problem with MongoDB


Submitted February 13, 2017 at 06:51PM by JKHeadley

Everything you need to know about the new node docker image


Submitted February 13, 2017 at 05:40PM by weighanchore

A PDF Rendering Addon for Node.js


Submitted February 13, 2017 at 05:01PM by spety

The Node.js Collection: Official community drive Node.js medium publication


Submitted February 13, 2017 at 04:06PM by ecares

BunnyBus - Building a Data Transit System


Submitted February 13, 2017 at 04:06PM by lamchakchan

Getting to Know Node.js: The CTC


Submitted February 13, 2017 at 03:01PM by _bit

Does anyone have experience using the Web Audio API with Node.js?

Hey everyone,I'm attempting to build a POC of a web-based DAW with real-time collaborative features. I'm pretty fairly used to programming in JavaScript but definitely am a beginner when it comes to all things Node.js. I recently discovered that it isn't possible to use the Web Audio API in Node.js for the reasons found here : http://ift.tt/2kZTIQW, I've found two projects that do in-fact manage to use both Node.js and the Web Audio API. They are: http://ift.tt/1pXy4Xg and http://ift.tt/2kZKUKT anyone have any experience with both Node.js and the Web Audio API that could give me a clue as to how to go about making this possible?I've looked into both repositories and it seems that in the basic blog tutorial, it is possible because the script is defined in the HTML page so the JavaScript file knows the window object. However the web-based DAW GitHub repo uses Angular.js which I'm not at all familiar with and therefore not have a clue how he has managed to do it. His solution would be ideal for me as we're attempting to achieve the same thing (albeit his to a higher level).I've also put the question out on stack overflow if anyone would like to see the problem with a bit more detail: http://ift.tt/2kKFANh if this isn't appropriate for this forum, but any help would really be appreciated as I'm hoping to do this for my final year bachelor project and so time is of the essence.Thanks!

Submitted February 13, 2017 at 02:12PM by alimanz

6 Great Uses of the Spread Operator


Submitted February 13, 2017 at 09:48AM by fagnerbrack

🙈 Volkswagen detects when your tests are being run in a CI server, and makes them pass.


Submitted February 13, 2017 at 07:43AM by ratancs

Sunday, 12 February 2017

Multiview: Spawn multiple processes and channel their outputs into separate little column views in the terminal.


Submitted February 13, 2017 at 03:55AM by Parasomnopolis

Github like server written entirely in nodejs.. First release contains basic push,pull and a simple api :) Would appreciate feedbacks and feature requests


Submitted February 12, 2017 at 10:56PM by georoot

Node.js Yarn’ing for Local Packages


Submitted February 12, 2017 at 04:09PM by lirantal

I have some source repo packaged with webpack that I want to install on a shared host, but I don't have npm or node on it.

hostgator can't put npm or node on a shared host, but I want to see if I can get this package running. Is that even possible? http://ift.tt/2kWqZN0 That's what I'm looking to get running. Thanks in advance for any advice!

Submitted February 12, 2017 at 03:11PM by tehryanx

Good to see you again


Submitted February 12, 2017 at 02:46PM by Micahclitean

How NodeJS requires native shared objects


Submitted February 12, 2017 at 11:06AM by katerina-ser60

Can/should the schemas in Node ORMs like Waterline work as your "domain classes"?

Hi,Sorry if this question is a bit vague. My background in mainly in Java. I'm trying to learn Javascript/Node; right now I'm looking at ORMs like Mongoose and Waterline.In the Java world, it is common to define your "domain objects" and derive your persistence mechanism from them, with the help of annotations. Studying Node ORMs like Waterline and Mongoose, I see that you can define schemas with rich validation logic, middleware, etc, to the point that I can see myself putting business logic in them.Is this a common practice in the Node world? Or do people still prefer keeping their domain objects separate from the ORM itself?

Submitted February 12, 2017 at 09:34AM by Faucelme

Saturday, 11 February 2017

Question about NPM package names: Was there a particular reason for marking the scope of a scoped package by prefixing it with at-sign (@) in particular?

I think my question is actually three parts:Is there a reason we decided that the scope needed to be marked at all? E.g. why @myorg/mypackage and not myorg/mypackage? (I speculate that it is to avoid mixing scopes and packages.)Is there a reason that the mark is a prefix and just a prefix? E.g. why not myorg@/mypackage instead? (I speculate that it is to make all the scopes form one contiguous sequence when the content of node_modules is naturally sorted.)Is there a reason that the mark is an at-sign? E.g. why not +myorg/mypackage instead?The third part above is what I am most interested in.Thanks in advance for your revelation.

Submitted February 12, 2017 at 07:05AM by IceColdFresh

simplest but effective way to create a spider in node?

I want a long running (daemon perhaps?) that will continuously crawl web sites collecting links and following them, etc.Not sure the best design to use but it needs to be simple enough for me to implement but effective enough to produce results.

Submitted February 12, 2017 at 06:39AM by agentf90

mux: a simple and convenient function that resolves promises in data structures like arrays, objects, maps, and sets


Submitted February 12, 2017 at 04:19AM by jameside

Shinobi, The Open Source CCTV Solution written in Node.js

ShinobiShinobi is the Open Source CCTV platform written in Node.JS. Designed with multiple account system, Streams by WebSocket, and Save to WebM. Shinobi can record IP Cameras and Local Cameras.Yes. I am saying it's the platform. It will hopefully be revered like WordPress and Magento in their respective sectors... Hopefully better. Yes. It's free.http://ift.tt/2l5y2VP AspectsRecords IP Cameras and Local CamerasStreams by WebSocketSave to WebM and MP4Other formats will be added after codec choices are less confusing.APIGet videosGet monitorsChange monitor modes : Disabled, Watch, RecordEmbedding streamsWarning : Shinobi is not for the faint of heart. Currently it is still in heavy development. While the large objective is to actually care about the software while writing it : this project started in November 2016, it should be expected to have bugs and the need for further refinement. If you are unable to get through the installation process please skip Shinobi and try Blue Iris.

Submitted February 11, 2017 at 07:41PM by moeiscool

Anyone knows both Rails and NodeJS ecosystems ? Any feedback ?

No text found

Submitted February 11, 2017 at 09:17PM by bdavidxyz

New NodeJS Developer. Please give me feedback on my first project!

Hi r/Node,I recently started my very first semi-serious project with NodeJS: a collaborative, online, real-time notepad built with Websockets! I am new to this language and I would love your feedback on what I should change or improve with this software.Github: http://ift.tt/2kiv2RL: http://ift.tt/2l5YOgF requests are SERIOUSLY WELCOME! Anyone that wants to collaborate is more than welcome to join in the fun.I want to implement Operational Transformation (OT.js) and Redis integration next.

Submitted February 11, 2017 at 09:31PM by NodeJS-

How does Node.js manage timers internally


Submitted February 11, 2017 at 07:37PM by asafdav2

How can I removed jade and just use index.html instead of index.jade for example?

I need to prototype quick and JADE slows me down big time....but now that I think about it, I wont be able to do my typical mongodb loops to echo out data...

Submitted February 11, 2017 at 05:14PM by mineralwatersoda

You want me?


Submitted February 11, 2017 at 11:47AM by Josephgiothis

Anyone working with graphql? I have elemental question-how to define a mutation which always returns null?


Submitted February 11, 2017 at 01:19PM by Capaj

How to make Jenkins build NodeJS, Ruby, and Maven on Docker


Submitted February 11, 2017 at 10:27AM by r-wabbit

Friday, 10 February 2017

eol: Newline character converter


Submitted February 11, 2017 at 06:03AM by ryanve

Using NodeJS to send emails

I am new to nodejs and a beginner in web development. I'm trying to figure out the best way to send emails with nodejs. I've been doing a bit of research and I keep found a lot of information about nodemailer but I also found in the npm site of nodemailer and their own site that there is a fee.Is nodemailer free to use or not? Also if you guys know of anything else and examples that I can use instead I would appreciate it the feedback.

Submitted February 11, 2017 at 01:27AM by tht_chico

To write few lines per project, many projects, simple projects learning

I am looking for repositories that are genuinely written as simple projects and are easily deployable. What search engine keyings shall be used to touch upon some short, simple and functioning examples such as simple JSON editings from browser? I would like to work on an app that can generate qr codes, assign id's to them, list id's and have interface to edit generated entries with adding extra text string to them. Help?

Submitted February 10, 2017 at 11:36PM by OtherEyeOfTheSloth

Build an Alexa Skill in 7 Minutes Flat with Node.js and StdLib


Submitted February 10, 2017 at 10:32PM by ginger-julia

How do I turn my node script functionalities into a graphical user interface program? (like an .exe file)

I want to be able to turn my scripts into clickable buttons that will be shown on a graphical user interface, which can be converted to an .exe file. How do I do that? Is there a node module that lets me program that? Ty

Submitted February 10, 2017 at 06:54PM by LuCas23332

Nightmare JS updating MongoDB + Mongoose with retrieved data not working.

I am looking to scrape data from specific URLs and updating an existing data in MongoDB. I am also using CRON (not sure if that has any affect on the code).Below is the code:module.exports = new CronJob('0 */59 * * * *', function() { nightmare .goto('http://ift.tt/2lx8AWn') .wait(2000) .evaluate(function() { var itemS = []; var itemList = document.querySelectorAll('.item-list'); for(var i = 0; i < item-list.length; i++) { var item = {}; item['name'] = itemList[i].querySelector('.item-title').innerHTML; item['image'] = itemList[i].querySelector('.item-image').src; itemS.push(item); } return itemS; }) //.end() -- removed because CRON does not restart .then(function(result) { var id = mongoose.Types.ObjectId("589b8d8fe860591071d4e2c6"); mongooseModel.findByIdAndUpdate(id, {$set: {key: result}}, function(err, res) { if(err) { console.log(err); } else { console.log('success!'); } }); console.log(result); }) .catch(function(error) { console.error('Search failed:', error); }); }, null, true); The results are console.log(ged) (console.log(result)) but the console.log("success!") callback does not execute.Also, unrelated, when I pull images from some sites, I'm getting Data URLs instead of the img url. I tried putting the data URL directly into a tag, but the image shows up blank -- I also tried decoding the image, using online resources, but the image still does not render. any possible solutions for this?Stackoverflow

Submitted February 10, 2017 at 05:51PM by thederelict87

Node Inspector Manager is great but the new permissions are a concern. Am I overreacting?


Submitted February 10, 2017 at 05:46PM by MostlyCarbonite

Locus debugger 2.0 is out


Submitted February 10, 2017 at 04:27PM by javascripton

Having a hard time understanding sinon sandbox

Hey all!I've been in the nodejs community for a few years now. Typically, the type of work I do doesn't lend itself to testing -- its mostly fast paced MVP development.I was looking at this article: http://ift.tt/1Y5eqxc and it looks like he's overriding the fs and request modules. Does the sinon sandbox globally override modules? How does that technically work?Thanks!

Submitted February 10, 2017 at 02:38PM by Noderly

Best node JS framework for CRUD API for mobile apps?

Hi, I need suggestions for nodejs framework for building a mobile backend. Just basic crud operations, social auth, push notifications etc. Any suggestions on framework?

Submitted February 10, 2017 at 01:20PM by njaanthanne

The Node.js Weekly Update - 10 Feb, 2017


Submitted February 10, 2017 at 10:27AM by hfeeri

The Complete Node.js Developer Course (1st Edition)


Submitted February 10, 2017 at 09:38AM by Helen791

Thursday, 9 February 2017

The saveErrorIfNotFound Option in Mongoose 4.8


Submitted February 10, 2017 at 12:29AM by code_barbarian

Roulette game in node (working with all mean stack)

I would like to make a roulette game with the Mean stack, but i have no Idea how to make it. It would need to spin every X seconds. Should i make an api call if someone is playing and making it writing to the db? If you have any Idea or tutorial i would be Glad to ear it

Submitted February 09, 2017 at 09:21PM by Kosovar_

Security Guide for Developers


Submitted February 09, 2017 at 08:21PM by ratancs

Mostly adequate guide to FP (in javascript)


Submitted February 09, 2017 at 08:09PM by ratancs

Step-by-step tutorial to build a modern JavaScript stack from scratch


Submitted February 09, 2017 at 08:10PM by ratancs

Using NeDB in an Electron application refreshes the BrowserWindow when updating the database

First of all, sorry if this isn't the correct place/subreddit to ask this in. If there's a better place I should address regarding this problem please tell me.I am trying to build an Electron application with NeDB to store my data.Whenever I would do specific actions in my application, I'd notice that the whole BrowserWindow would refresh. After doing some debugging I found out that the cause for the BrowserWindow's refreshing is running db.update in the NeDB library.I tried googling but I couldn't find anything about this problem. Does anyone have an idea why NeDB refreshes the BrowserWindow or what resources I should refer to?

Submitted February 09, 2017 at 06:59PM by NanoVash



Submitted February 09, 2017 at 03:21PM by gretayld

awaitful control flow utilities (like caolan/async for async-await)


Submitted February 09, 2017 at 03:00PM by ramitos



Submitted February 09, 2017 at 03:08PM by gretayld

Node socket.io server with java websocket client?

Is this possible? In theory they both use sockets and should therefore be compatible but my java client keeps getting a java.net.SocketException: Connection reset by peer: socket write errorand the server never seems to hit the connection function. Am I just being an idiot?

Submitted February 09, 2017 at 01:07PM by Airglow26

A RethinkDB and hapijs chat app, the future is now


Submitted February 09, 2017 at 08:45AM by ecares

Wednesday, 8 February 2017

Try out Smart Contracts using only nodejs and npm!


Submitted February 08, 2017 at 07:09PM by codetractio

Help | JIRA <> Node OAuth Using Passport [passport-atlassian-oauth]

Twitter switches their mobile web traffic to Node and Express


Submitted February 08, 2017 at 03:48PM by a0viedo

Help! I need to upload lots of images to a hostgator server. What is the best way of doing it?

Hi Reddit!So I want to update a woocommerce site (from a webapp I have) and add products to it in bulk. For this I need first to upload all the images to the site.I'm thinking I could use something like node-ftp and then upload the images one by one.But first I wanted to ask if there is a better way! Thanks!EDIT: I'm asking this because I'm afraid the ftp might get disconnected so I would need to reconnect it and see which files haven't yet been uploaded for which I would need to set up a queue (or some other architecture which I know nothing about) which I'm not very familiar. However I'm willing to learn, so if you happen to know of a resource that teaches you how to implement something like this, please link me to it! :D

Submitted February 08, 2017 at 12:54PM by sandalphone

[JavaScript][Node] Building a Microservices Example Game with Distributed Messaging


Submitted February 08, 2017 at 10:52AM by hfeeri

Opinions wanted - MongoDB (on Amazon EC2) versus MySQL (on Amazon RDS)

I'm busy trying a few things on AWS with Node and wanted to get some opinions from those with experience using either MongoDB or MySQL on Amazon infrastructure.One of the mini apps I'm keen to test on AWS consists of an API server written in Node which will run on EC2 along with a React based front-end app.I was keen to get recommendations/caveats or stories of success/failure from those with experience using either: - MongoDB installed on an EC2 instance - MySQL via Amazon RDSThe appeal to trying RDS is that it's one of the core AWS services so comes with a few advantages and time-savers. The detractor is that I'm not a fan of how (initially) opinionated Sequelize is as an ORM out of the box. Although I do appreciate the migrations and other mature features.Mongoose ODM is one I really enjoy using for it's maturity and less opinionated setup. I'm just unsure what the downsides are to running this on AWS versus what advantages RDS might give.There's no intrinsic need for picking NoSQL or Relational DB for the API - at this stage it's about trying a few things out.Thanks in advance for any replies :)

Submitted February 08, 2017 at 11:04AM by dividebyzeroZA

Testing my new hosting service

Hello everybody. I've build micro-hosting service. Currently I am looking for somebody can help to test it. It can run Node.js, PHP and Python projects. You can access it throw Telegram bot. http://ift.tt/2kMLcr4 It is very minimalistic, so actually you can just send .zip file with your project to the bot and look for the result. Currently you cannot modify running projects and set custom domain.

Submitted February 08, 2017 at 09:35AM by b00_merang

Build an Alexa Skill in 7 Minutes Flat with Node.js and StdLib


Submitted February 08, 2017 at 08:59AM by keithwhor

Need a secure way to store user data which needs to converted back into original form using secret-key cryptography

HiI am building an app that needs to store anonymous data.I am proceeding in the following way:Ask user for password.Hash Salt Store using bcrypt.Encrypt data using password. What is a good way to encrypt the user data ?Since I am not storing the password I am thinking I could use crypto's inbuilt AES method without iv.The data to encrypt will be ranging from 10-100 chars. Will my method be safe enough ?

Submitted February 08, 2017 at 07:22AM by abkibaarnsit

Concurrency and Parallelism: Understanding I/O


Submitted February 08, 2017 at 07:47AM by cstuff8

Not sure if r/node is the right place, but I thought I'd give it a shot.

when using parse-express-cookie-session on Parse Server, I get this error.Cannot read property 'defaults' of undefined How can I fix this issue?

Submitted February 08, 2017 at 07:53AM by farhansyed7911

Tuesday, 7 February 2017

How to display mongodb document values from a collection using Express?

I have documents in a collection eg. below, and all I simply want to do is display JSON on the web page. I also want to be able to do something like console.log(docs[1].name) or however to display the first documents name value. { "_id" : ObjectId("5897c4283764b39861b88c1c"), "photo" : "http://ift.tt/2loXgMA", "name" : "Mosel Slate", "estate" : "Mönchhof", "estate_link" : "http://ift.tt/2liP6bT", "region" : "Mosel-Saar-Ruwer", "country" : "germany", "vineyard" : "Ürziger Würzgarten", "style" : "40% Dry, 60% Sweet", "bubbly" : "bubbles", "soil_type" : "Devonian Red Slate", "imported_quantity" : "5,000 cases", "UPC_code" : "7 67946 10102 3", "fermentation_notes" : "lorem ipsum", "aging" : "lorem ipsum", "vine_age" : "lorem ipsum", "farming_practicies" : "lorem ipsum", "label_photo" : "http://ift.tt/2loO6jh", "vintage" : "2012", "varietal" : "100% Riesling", "alcohol" : "8.5%", "testing_notes" : "lorem ipsum", "awards" : " lorem ipsum", "achohol_vs_acidity" : "http://ift.tt/2liNdfd" } { "_id" : ObjectId("5897c5a53764b39861b88c1d"), "photo" : "http://ift.tt/2loQcQ5", "name" : "Riesling Piesport", "estate" : "Reinhold Haart", "estate_link" : "http://ift.tt/2liP6bT", "region" : "Mosel-Saar-Ruwer", "country" : "germany", "vineyard" : "Ürziger Würzgarten", "style" : "40% Dry, 60% Sweet", "bubbly" : "bubbles", "soil_type" : "Decomposed Slate and Kaolinite", "imported_quantity" : "5,000 cases", "UPC_code" : "7 67946 10900 5", "fermentation_notes" : "lorem ipsum", "aging" : "lorem ipsum", "vine_age" : "lorem ipsum", "farming_practicies" : "lorem ipsum", "label_photo" : "http://ift.tt/2liDd5x", "vintage" : "2011", "varietal" : "100% Riesling", "alcohol" : "8.5%", "testing_notes" : "lorem ipsum", "awards" : " lorem ipsum", "achohol_vs_acidity" : "http://ift.tt/2liNdfd" } In my express app I try:router.get('/wineslist.json', function(req, res) { var db = req.db; var collection = db.get('wines'); var wines = collection.find(function(e, docs){ res.send(docs); }); }); I then get in result:/usr/local/lib/node_modules/mongodb/lib/utils.js:98 process.nextTick(function() { throw err; }); ^ TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON so I then try to console.log(data) to see what it is and I get this which I have clue what it is (snippet)Readable { pool: null, server: null, disconnectHandler: { s: { storedOps: [], storeOptions: [Object], topology: [Object] }, length: [Getter] }, bson: {}, ns: 'hirschdb.wines', cmd: { find: 'hirschdb.wines', limit: 0, skip: 0, query: {}, fields: {}, sort: {}, safe: true, slaveOk: true, readPreference: { preference: 'primary', tags: undefined, options: [Object] } }, options: { fields: {}, sort: {}, safe: true, skip: 0, limit: 0, raw: undefined, hint: null, timeout: undefined, slaveOk: true, readPreference: { preference: 'primary', tags: undefined, options: [Object] }, db: EventEmitter { domain: null, _events: {}, _eventsCount: 0, _maxListeners: undefined, s: [Object], serverConfig: [Getter], bufferMaxEntries: [Getter], databaseName: [Getter] }, promiseLibrary: [Function: Promise], disconnectHandler: { s: [Object], length: [Getter] } }, topology:

Submitted February 08, 2017 at 05:10AM by mineralwatersoda

An Awesome List of Awesome Lists for Node.js Developers


Submitted February 08, 2017 at 04:56AM by reviewrollerusa

Exciting API changes between v0.10 and v0.12


Submitted February 08, 2017 at 03:32AM by codemaster33


Hey everyone, I just release my first npm module called create-react-fullstack. I'm working on making create-react-app's awesome functionality a fullstack process - would really appreciate any feedback (especially with respect to how to get this working without ejecting :D).http://ift.tt/2love3Q

Submitted February 08, 2017 at 04:02AM by manuscriptnyc

Best learning resources for advanced Node.js topics?

I've been using Node for 3 years both professionally as a full-stack developer and for personal use.I've made apps, websites and modules but I want to dive into the advanced topics and really solidify my knowledge of the ecosystem to become better.Does anyone know of any good resources for this? Books, websites, MOOC, anything really.Thanks!

Submitted February 08, 2017 at 01:17AM by bustyLaserCannon

Is it possible to have a MongoDB and Node.js app on the same VPS in Digitalocean?

I just make a new "Droplet" VPS with Digitalocean and I was wondering if it would be possible to also have a MongoDB on it along side my Node app and have my app connect to that database instead of paying for MLAB which is a DaaS?

Submitted February 07, 2017 at 10:39PM by SparkDe

This has been driving me crazy: Express Session does not save with custom DNS address. Does anyone have any insight?


Submitted February 07, 2017 at 09:36PM by crow6671

Dark themed chat app with Node.js, Socket.io & Angular2


Submitted February 07, 2017 at 06:07PM by hsbalar

Why 2016 Was the Best Year Ever for Node.js


Submitted February 07, 2017 at 06:19PM by pmz

canister.js - another take on DI in node.js

Hi guys,Bit of a shameless plug but I'm keen to get it out there and hear what the community says.http://ift.tt/2jZ0XXg was built out of the frustration of having to either assemble dependencies manually or having to test using rewire/proxywire which made tests too coupled to implementation. While nodes apps typically tend to be smaller and not as 'object oriented' as their counterparts in other languages, we still believe that SRP applies and testing is generally made easier with test doubles (and that applies to any kind of tests, not only unit/spec).We've been using this lib to quickly bootstrap services that used to have few lines of logic and a lot of boilerplate to fit into our operational endpoint (readiness, health, instrumentation probes etc.). That particular example be found here http://ift.tt/2kJNXJC has been consciously made to be as non-opinionated as possible, hence there is no start/stop functions for system or some other use-case specific solutions.In terms of config there's only yaml and env loaders available, but driving with json/json5 should be easy enough to add if there is interest in doing so.Driving configuration by code is also possible tho a tad verbose ;)Anyway, keen to hear thoughts and would like to invite everybody to try and contribute.Best, Mike

Submitted February 07, 2017 at 06:37PM by thornag

Using NodeJs to fetch API content

I am a recent learner to node and want to know how this works in fetching API data. Say, I am using http://ift.tt/1Mv1SsH and want to extract quote and quoteAuthor content. How is it possible? Any suggestions regarding it.

Submitted February 07, 2017 at 05:24PM by rakup_master

What is the "node_modules" directory for in my Express web app?

I am guessing that when you make package.json for your web app, and you want to deploy your web app on another server, all you have to do is zip your web app, not including the node_modules directory, and all you simply do is "npm install" and you got your web app on another server with ease. Is this correct? If the web app installs all its dependancies in its own directory, doesnt then what if there are multiple web apps on a server, doesnt it make sense to install the modules in /usr/bin for example where they all share the libs? I feel I am missing something here...

Submitted February 07, 2017 at 05:50PM by mineralwatersoda

Want to get notified when the node docker image is updated? Subscribe to updates here


Submitted February 07, 2017 at 05:54PM by weighanchore

New nodejs @decorators/common

Hi guys, We were working recently on adding new features into @decorators package, also under bug fixes. And we're happy to introduce new @decorators/common package. To help you develop your nodejs application. As always all your comments to help or improve library are welcome.Github linkP.S.So guys, if you are interested in it or / and you know how to improve / extend it, just let me know.Thanks.

Submitted February 07, 2017 at 03:25PM by serhiisol

Native Node bindings to Git.


Submitted February 07, 2017 at 01:55PM by ratancs

Build a slack app using node and serverless framework


Submitted February 07, 2017 at 01:25PM by mavi888

Pitfalls to Avoid When Implementing Node.js and Containers


Submitted February 07, 2017 at 09:26AM by joey_php

Can anyone assist me with an issue I'm having with installinga discord-irc via npm?


Submitted February 07, 2017 at 09:45AM by devperez

The easiest way to use git. On any platform. Anywhere.


Submitted February 07, 2017 at 06:44AM by ratancs

Nodejs-based tool for optimizing SVG vector graphics files.


Submitted February 07, 2017 at 06:45AM by ratancs

Using Node.JS for calculating and rendering Math/stats

Hi! I'm hoping someone can give me some better ideas and interesting approaches to a problem I have. Currently I use Node for retrieving a bunch of gambling odds and stock prices, I then pump these into an excel spreadsheet using some very clunky code. I'm sure that there must be a more elegant way of doing this. I've considered pushing this all to a React/Meteor app but it seems like overkill. Are there any lightweight packages that lend themselves to rendering data in the form of tables, ideally with a nice simple API and clear documentation. Appreciate any help and apologies if I've breached any etiquette!

Submitted February 07, 2017 at 07:45AM by eljefejames

Get started with Yarn.js - a package manager for Node


Submitted February 07, 2017 at 07:50AM by cmdnormandy

Pitfalls of Node.js


Submitted February 07, 2017 at 08:38AM by php03

Joyent | The liberation of RethinkDB


Submitted February 07, 2017 at 08:40AM by agentf90

Monday, 6 February 2017

Thanks Microsoft - no idea wtf you're trying to tell me with this timestamp: "Out of call volume quota. Quota will be replenished in 21.05:21:58."

No text found

Submitted February 07, 2017 at 04:15AM by agentf90

An exceedingly clean code


Submitted February 07, 2017 at 03:25AM by mybride2

How do I go about creating a form in HTML(ejs file), then validate it for empty fields, or an existing user then submit to the POST request?

I'd like to know how to initiate the certain javascript functions to make a label red or have a pop up saying an empty field etc with the twitter bootstrap.I have a form like so:
I have a route like so:app.post("/sign-up", function (req, res) { console.log(req.body); res.render('sign-up'); }); I'd like to know how to handle the form validation. Like if a space is empty, with Bootstrap javascript, I can make it red or have a pop up. How can I do this?

Submitted February 07, 2017 at 01:45AM by farhansyed7911

Building an Angular and Express App Part 1 [Updated 2/5/2017]


Submitted February 06, 2017 at 05:41PM by pipituu

Help or Tips for hosting Express Node.JS website.

I just finished developing a website in express and I don't know where to host it. At the moment I just know a little bit about Digital Ocean and Heroku but I would appreciate some help or tips on things I should watch out for etc from someone who has experience hosting node websites.The website is pretty simple. I'm (mongoose) MongoDB as my database and the website is basically just taking member registration/payments and then displaying all the registered members on the admin page.

Submitted February 06, 2017 at 04:57PM by SparkDe

We Improved Node.js Server Response Time by 100 Times


Submitted February 06, 2017 at 04:04PM by bogsformer

List of repos that use a particular node package

I'm fairly new to node web development and I'm finding it hard to find concrete examples of code. A lot of search results just give me blog posts where people have copied and pasted each others code. I want to see working code in the real world.Does anyone know if there's a site that lists repos that use a particular node package?(What I'm actually looking for, in particular, is loopback and loopback-component-passport)

Submitted February 06, 2017 at 03:35PM by mothzilla

[META] Can we please do something about the spamming of shitty articles and use of bots in this sub?

No text found

Submitted February 06, 2017 at 03:20PM by ipgof

Clean Code concepts adapted for JavaScript


Submitted February 06, 2017 at 01:05PM by ratancs

Prettier is an opinionated JavaScript formatter.


Submitted February 06, 2017 at 01:06PM by ratancs

Just found this list of modules. Can it help to learn Nodejs more quickly?


Submitted February 06, 2017 at 01:28PM by JackyMitchel

Log and display speedtests with shell script and nodejs


Submitted February 06, 2017 at 09:51AM by ratancs

Dismissing Garbage collection in Node.js - A failed experiment


Submitted February 06, 2017 at 09:53AM by dolftax

What's new in node.js V4


Submitted February 06, 2017 at 10:09AM by avi00

How to check if Node.js supports ES6 language feature


Submitted February 06, 2017 at 09:11AM by php03

New Major Release of the SparkPost Node.js Client Library


Submitted February 06, 2017 at 09:12AM by joey_php

Nagrant : Preconfigured vagrant box for nodejs apps in a minute, with minimal configuration


Submitted February 06, 2017 at 08:54AM by Mewsse

Sunday, 5 February 2017

A tiny microservice that makes adding authentication with GitHub to your application easy.


Submitted February 06, 2017 at 07:00AM by ratancs

meteor app failling for no appearant reason

when I run my app I get the following error messageErrors prevented startup: While processing files with ecmascript (for target web.browser): client/templates/posts/post_item.js:59:3: Unexpected token (59:3) Your application has errors. Waiting for file change. Started MongoDB. the mentioned part of my code is the following (the last line to be exact)Template.postItem.events({ 'click .upvotable': function(e) { e.preventDefault(); Meteor.call('upvote', this._id); }, 'click .disable': function(e) { e.preventDefault(); Meteor.call('unupvote', this._id); } });//here is the problem can someone please help me get what's wrong

Submitted February 05, 2017 at 10:26PM by amrshedou

What is the best way to learn node js for a beginner?

Hello,i'm currently studying computer sciences but it is only my 2nd year, node js seems quite a bit more complicated than php.I've tried to learn node with the socket io and express chat 'tutorial', but it didn't taught me much about node, it was mostly about socket.io.I was using codenvy to try it out, so it was installed straight out of the box, i suppose it is a pain to install from scratch on Windows :DAny advices?

Submitted February 05, 2017 at 09:19PM by Oalei

A node + react + redux responsive dashboard. Use it to monitor CD and as an information radar


Submitted February 05, 2017 at 09:49PM by mikefarah

Node.js v7 – URLs, deprecation warnings and a better developer experience - Contentful


Submitted February 05, 2017 at 08:57AM by avi00

Saturday, 4 February 2017

The Node.js Event Loop, Timers, and process.nextTick()


Submitted February 04, 2017 at 09:02PM by vangelov

How to Implement Virtual Hosting Proxy Servers in Nodejs


Submitted February 04, 2017 at 05:08PM by shsh3

Yet another Node API Framework boilerplate

Hi all,we just started a framework boilerplate from one of our API server based on Node and related tools, which includes ES2016, Express, Knex, Bookshelf, JWT, Unit testing/Mocking, Kue and many other modules.We want to share it and contribution is welcomed 🙂http://ift.tt/2l8GktJ

Submitted February 04, 2017 at 05:56PM by koshuang

State of Express and Koa with TypeScript?

Hey there. I am a full stack dev who (at work) uses Aurelia + TypeScript for building SPAs, and C# + ASP.NET Web API 2 for building my RESTful APIs.I run Linux at home and after a while decided I didn't want to mess with ASP.NET Core until it became a bit easier to work with on Linux.So, for my at home back end tech of choice, Node is the obvious answer. I have used it before and made a simple chat app using Express and Socket.io.Since I am a TypeScript lover and also know C#, the async/await support in Koa seems ideal for my current daily skill set. I already use async/await and love all of my ES6/ES7 features (destructuring, spread, decorators etc), so I'd really love to continue with TypeScript or at least ES6+ code versus dealing with callbacks explicitly. This also seems pretty nice compared to Express:exports const controller = { index: async ({ request, response }) => { response.body = 'Hello World!'; } } I'd love to hear some opinions as most I find are 7-12 months old. My goal is to master Node at home while using TypeScript so A. I can continue to master my TS skills for work and leisure and B. I can gain Node experience for the next steps in my career, while I master C# at work.edit* In the end, I will be using C#/Web API 2 professionally for the foreseeable future as I don't plan on leaving my current job any time soon. This again makes me think Koa is a better choice for the future. I am quite aware these frameworks could be scoffed at in two years, but I know JS/TS very well and can change frameworks as needed, so we can avoid that conversation. Thanks everyone.

Submitted February 04, 2017 at 02:17PM by bburc

Friday, 3 February 2017

Write Your Own Co Using ES2015 Generators


Submitted February 04, 2017 at 12:47AM by code_barbarian

Embedded Discriminators in Mongoose 4.8


Submitted February 03, 2017 at 10:12PM by code_barbarian

express-debug alternative?

php, rails has better debug bars / panels.any alternatives for node? http://ift.tt/2l17A0e

Submitted February 03, 2017 at 08:17PM by raistlinthewiz

Efficient Docker with the new Yarn package manager & native packages like Bcrypt for Node.js apps – Arthur Design & Engineering


Submitted February 03, 2017 at 07:41PM by r-wabbit

Improving Node core's net.Socket.prototype.setTimeout() - Node.js Livestream


Submitted February 03, 2017 at 07:32PM by _bit

Node.js v7.6.0 may have async/await without a flag!


Submitted February 03, 2017 at 04:58PM by n7olkachev

NodeJS C++ client node-firebird-libfbclient v.0.1.0 updated with Firebird Transaction changes


Submitted February 03, 2017 at 02:17PM by mariuz

A habit tracker app which treats your goals like a Role Playing Game.


Submitted February 03, 2017 at 01:39PM by ratancs

Awesome npm resources and tips


Submitted February 03, 2017 at 01:44PM by ratancs

Node 7.5.0 released


Submitted February 03, 2017 at 11:46AM by sply

Node.js Weekly Update - 3 Feb, 2017


Submitted February 03, 2017 at 07:00AM by hfeeri

Thursday, 2 February 2017

Project using NodeJS + Python and OpenCV to make anything illegal by Trump


Submitted February 02, 2017 at 10:21PM by tknew

Async utilities for node and the browser


Submitted February 02, 2017 at 05:59PM by ratancs

Node.js debugger based on Blink Developer Tools


Submitted February 02, 2017 at 06:00PM by ratancs

Monitor for any changes in your node.js application and automatically restart the server


Submitted February 02, 2017 at 06:00PM by ratancs

how to write node programs with streams


Submitted February 02, 2017 at 06:01PM by ratancs

Better Console Logs Like Web Debugging

Hey Guys,When in a webpage, if I console log an object, the object is initially closed and can be expanded to reveal more of the structure of the object. I'd like this same feature when console logging in nodejs. Is this possible some how?

Submitted February 02, 2017 at 04:05PM by pinksalmonz

Protecting APIs from the DDoS attacks by signing the resource identifiers


Submitted February 02, 2017 at 02:20PM by gajus0

Scrape any Website/Service/API with a single SQL Select Statement


Submitted February 02, 2017 at 01:35PM by dobkin-1970

Requiring only specific method from a module have some benefits?

I have seen some people requiring only specific method in a module instead of the full module. EG:const {readFile} = require('fs') const {equal} = require('assert') readFile('./myFile', (err, data) => { if (err) throw err; equal(10,data) }); Does this have any benefit or it's only personal preference?

Submitted February 02, 2017 at 10:46AM by muccapazza

What’s New in Hazelcast Node.js Client | Hazelcast Blog


Submitted February 02, 2017 at 10:50AM by joey_php

Node JS Feature Flags – Feature Flags, Toggles, Controls


Submitted February 02, 2017 at 09:07AM by php03

Markdown-based local documentation server for your projects with Github-like UI


Submitted February 02, 2017 at 07:56AM by sinedied

Node.js 7.x and Other JavaScript News


Submitted February 02, 2017 at 08:02AM by avi00

Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Are there any libraries to create a photo grid with multi-selection in angularjs?

No text found

Submitted February 01, 2017 at 11:42PM by farhansyed7911

I'm new to Node / Express and I'm having issues with routing.

All I want to do is render index.html when this route '/:uuid' is hit. This is my code:http://ift.tt/2kTuUK1 app.get() for that route is on line 50. The problem I'm having is that the server responds with the contents of index.html for every requested file. In other words:http://ift.tt/2jxhjLu if I'm overlooking something really obvious. Thanks in advance for any help!

Submitted February 01, 2017 at 08:58PM by mackattack_

The latest nodejs docker image was just updated. Here's an analysis of the image and security report.


Submitted February 01, 2017 at 09:12PM by weighanchore

What has changed in node.js since...

I'm finally getting around to learning node (via the node.js in action book I bought a few years ago). What major changes should I be aware of since the last print date (2014 I believe)?

Submitted February 01, 2017 at 07:16PM by jsqu99

Now it's possible to have circular reference and dynamic types on Structure


Submitted February 01, 2017 at 05:32PM by TalyssonOC

Securely encrypt and decrypt passwords in database

Hello,I need to store user's passwords for purposes of doing auth REST API requests later (I just need to know them. That service doesn't issue tokens or anything). How to securely encrypt them? So far I found crypto, it can encrypt text using some sort of key. It feels not enough, ideally I'd have unique random key for each user, but they would still be stored in the database along side the cipher :-/

Submitted February 01, 2017 at 05:37PM by pnemi

New node.js library for converting HTML to markdown. Highly pluggable, flexible and easy to use. It's time for your markup to get down!


Submitted February 01, 2017 at 05:08PM by jonschlinkert

Local hosting solutions for Node apps

I know about all of the cloud providers like Heroku and etc.My question is if anyone has any type of hosting dashboard you can install and host locally. Ideally I'd like a dashboard because I want to let a couple of people commit changes and have my server automatically run the app after a commit to GitHub or whatever.Basically something that allows people to start, stop, restart, etc the node app without having to give them SSH access to run the commands.Any help would be appreciated!

Submitted February 01, 2017 at 05:18PM by espasmato